Bubble King Skimmer Club

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12340409#post12340409 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jtarmitage
What's the difference between the 53 and the 53D?

Just saying :wave: to a fellow BK owner/ATB lurker :lol2:



this in action ;)

I'm new to the club and I'm really tempted into buying a BK! From all the pictures I see in the forum, I'm sold! Haha. Which model would you recommend with a 180 with a fairly heavy bioload? I don't want to get the wrong size and regret it. Thanks for all the help in advance!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12340445#post12340445 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mavgi



this in action ;)


Thanks! That does help. Do you also have pics of how the airline is connected to the skimmer itself?
:lol: Hey, I resemble that remark!

No sweat, if you had the flow meter in hand, you'd figure it out pretty quick. I've got a flow meter that came with my AO Ca-Rx, and it's pretty simple.
Roseville, Sacto - close enough!! You're a Sacto boy, even though it's still kinda far from Sacto. I have to drive up to Roseville for work sometimes, too.

Anyway, so I think I got it now. I pull the airline that goes into the skimmer (on my SM, it's hooked up to my standpipe), and plug it into that brass valve in Mavgi's pics, right?

I think I deserve a *pat on the back* :D
I said resemble, not resent.

Yep, if you're just using it temporarily to get a reading, just pull the airline out of the silencer and plug it into the meter.
LOL, gotcha, my Engrish not too good this morning. Yeah, I think you're smart like mark and jim :)

OK, I think I finally got it about the Dwyer and ready to order. I just want temporary readings. :)
Dang, Steve. That is insane! Your wife will have to park the car outside now, cuz that skimmer will take up the other half of the garage :D

What are you doing with the 400 Ext?
didn't he sell a 300 a while back? I think I remember seeing his posts about the same time I was looking for my BK
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