CARE magnet cleaners available in USA?


Hi Roger,

I'm wondering if/when the CARE magnets will be available in the states. I'm interested in the 0220.020 CARE magnet strong. I have 3/4" curved acrylic and it seems to be just the thing. As a matter of fact, it may be the only thing short of an overpowered (read overpriced) magnet with a magic eraser under it. I can order it from sewatec, but the 32 euros shipping is hard to swallow.

Only the nano Care Magnet 0220.010 is in production at this time. Sewatec may be offering a preorder but the larger magnets have not even been made yet. Please wait, we have some technical issues and the usefulness on acrylic is likely to be compromised as getting the large blade sufficiently rigid requires GRP and this will scratch glass, part of why I am headed to Germany tomorrow is to work on this problem. Basically it will work, but you will be limited to the short blade as of the current state of development.
Thanks for the update Roger. How about lateral ribs molded into the blade for rigidity? Looks like they'd have to be on the underside since the metal blade attaches to the top. Enjoy your trip to Germany, hope it gets worked out. Let me know if you need a beta tester ;)
We have tried so many different molds and plastics but we are very close, it is not as easy as it would seem. For example we found a plastic that works but sounds like dragging finger nails across a chalkboard, another works but is so brittle the edge can chip and it will shatter if dropped. It may work after all with the right plastic blend and either way, we may have an optional large acrylic blade that is CNC made. I will keep you posted.
We are still working on the large blade, it is not as simple as one would think, we have now tried 8 plastic blends, they all have issues, adding a rib or gusset is complicated as one of the main points is the magnet will not trap gravel and scratch the tank, a rib can catch gravel. We have solved the acrylic issue with a plastic "razor blade" that can be added. Once we get the long blade to stay straight over time they will enter production and this is a big focus, some days we have 2 designs in testing but at least one new design is being tried everyday, this is just the reality of going from hand made and 3D printed prototypes to injection molding. My best guess is early October they will be ready, everything else is done and ready to go.
A pack of 2 86mm plastic blades is $7.20, they should last at least 3 months depending on frequency of use and type of algae. A pack of 1 plastic and 1 stainless steel (these clip on the plastic) is $7.31, and a pack of 3 stainless steel is $8.38. The stainless blades are genuine Solingen Germany surgical grade stainless steel blades. The R&D is expensive but the final parts will be reasonably priced. The plastic blade for acrylic should be quite cheap, it is nothing more than a piece of polyethylene card stock cut to the shape needed.
Gimme, gimme, gimme! I'm already tired of fishing out my magnet and magic eraser 4-6 times every time I clean my front pane. And this tank hasn't even been set up a month.
The first batch of long care magnets will be in tomorrow, however, we are short of what is preordered so I won't be able to meet any extra demand or have any leftover, Salty Supply, Champion, Bulk Reef Supply and Premium Aquatics will all get a half dozen or so. We do expect more the following week along with the first batch of Strong Care Magnets and likely the 6040 and 9012.
No, but it would be very easy to make one yourself from an old credit card, ID or even some scrap laminate, you would just cut it to the shape of the metal blade and match the hole position and clip it on the plastic blade. The short blades are acrylic safe out of the box but the long blades have 35% glass fiber and with repeated use will scratch acrylic.
The nano and long are available, strong should be here in the next week or two. The long blade on the long and strong is not acrylic safe but an acrylic safe attachment should be available soon.
I'm on the waiting list for the Strong. I hope it'll be available soon. I pray before and during when I clean the glass with a MagFloat.
I have been told to expect a small shipment of them next week, more will follow the week after.