CARE magnet cleaners available in USA?

Long works ok, but strong would be better as i have had the long fall off when going to fast or moving from the front to the side of the tank.
The Strong version just became available! I just ordered mine. Can't wait to get it!

Got this yesterday and assembly is self explanatory and quite easy. It works really well! I used to dread cleaning the glass and nervous when I swipe back and forth and I would never go near the near. With this, I can clean the tank in less than half the time. I would have to use it more to say that it's scratch safe but I don't expect it to be scratch safe. Anything will scratch the glass if you're careless and use it enough but I think this is a huge improvement over the other magnet cleaners. Now I just have to wait another week for the algae to collect on the glass.
One thing I don't like is that you can't flip on corners and that it sinks.
It is not easy, but you can flip corners, it takes a bit of practice and you want to go small blade side first after lining it up sideways in the corner. The floating has two issues,first it is patented out the wazoo, you name it, it has been patented even "accidental floating" (leaving a small space you could fill with air). Besides that though, the floating also means the magnet is weaker, if you have a couple pounds of floating capacity, that is a couple less pounds of magnet strength holding it to the glass as it is fighting the magnet.
ordered one from Chris at Salty Supply today, should have it by Fri/Sat. Hoping this does the trick as my MagFloat just doesn't cut the algae enough.
got the strong 0220.020

Have been waiting for this magnet clear since the magna show!
Just an update on this great magnet algae scraper. Been using it for 6 weeks and really liking this. It scrape the alage cleanly off the glass with just one swipe and doesn't scratch the glass. I don't need to use the metal scraper. The plastic blade is just fine for green film algae on the glass. What usually takes me about 30mins is now only 5mins.
A winning design and product!
User feedback- Just got the strong magnet and am very satisfied with its performance. It cuts right through tough coraline deposits with the metal blade. Just to compare, my magfloat could not touch some of the stubborn algae that the Tunze takes care of with one swipe.

I find it works best on thinner glass, as the magnet is obviously stronger. It is satisfactory on 3/4" glass, but wish it could be slightly stronger. Sleek design is cool.

My rating is 9 out of 10 because it works like nothing I have used before :)
Thanks for the praise, I think it is fair that the inventor get the credit and that is Felix Tunze, Axel Tunze's oldest son, he is an engineering student at the moment.

We do plan a stronger model for up to 1" thick glass and some new blade options for the new year and we will be working on something equally innovative for even bigger tanks.
Thanks for the praise, I think it is fair that the inventor get the credit and that is Felix Tunze, Axel Tunze's oldest son, he is an engineering student at the moment.

We do plan a stronger model for up to 1" thick glass and some new blade options for the new year and we will be working on something equally innovative for even bigger tanks.

Truth be told, now that I have been using it for a while, the magnet is not really strong enough for regular usage on 3/4" glass. It is a major PIA when it comes apart and falls to the bottom of the tank. Im thinking of adding some sort of floating material or string to the other side, as it regularly comes apart and I don't look forward to dipping my arm in the tank during every cleaning to retrieve the other side of the magnet.
Love my Long. My old magnet cleaners scratched my glass so now that I have a new tank this is perfect. Except I wish it floated. Was there a reason this feature couldn't have been incorporated into the current design?

And everyone is out of the Strong. I have 1/2" glass and I wish it was a little stronger.
When will retailers be restocked with the Strong?
Unfortunately no Strong Care Magnets have come in since early December, the factory expected a high demand, but not as high as we actually had so they ran out of materials. We expect more next week but we will still be behind and filling backorders.

Floating is patented by Mag Float (Bakker Magnets) and it is locked down so their is no work around, anyway you can think of to make it float is patented and that only leaves the option of licensing.
Unfortunately no Strong Care Magnets have come in since early December, the factory expected a high demand, but not as high as we actually had so they ran out of materials. We expect more next week but we will still be behind and filling backorders.

Floating is patented by Mag Float (Bakker Magnets) and it is locked down so their is no work around, anyway you can think of to make it float is patented and that only leaves the option of licensing.

What about the other magnets like Algae Free, Magnavore, etc? They license from Mag Float? Wow. Didn't realize buoyancy could be patented. :lol:

Well congrats on the high demand.
Hopefully I can get my hands on a Strong version sometime soon! :)