The Strong version just became available! I just ordered mine. Can't wait to get it!
Thanks for the praise, I think it is fair that the inventor get the credit and that is Felix Tunze, Axel Tunze's oldest son, he is an engineering student at the moment.
We do plan a stronger model for up to 1" thick glass and some new blade options for the new year and we will be working on something equally innovative for even bigger tanks.
Unfortunately no Strong Care Magnets have come in since early December, the factory expected a high demand, but not as high as we actually had so they ran out of materials. We expect more next week but we will still be behind and filling backorders.
Floating is patented by Mag Float (Bakker Magnets) and it is locked down so their is no work around, anyway you can think of to make it float is patented and that only leaves the option of licensing.