Thanks sahin!! Appreciate itConor just got married. Likely too busy for reefing at the moment.
Congrats buddy! :beer:
haha! Thanks bud.Really??And i thought he was a smart guy
Ahhh what the heck,it was nice while it lasted
Just kidding conor,wish too you and your wife live a long and happy marriage:beer:
Thanks for the news sahin buddy!
Thanks so much and congratulations on 20 years! Happy Anniversary!!Wow.. I didn't know. :eek1: Congrats Conor!!
I'll be 20 years in, the day after tomorrow.
In all seriousness, the best move I ever made.
Enjoy the honeymoon!
Thanks sahin!! Appreciate it
haha! Thanks bud.
Thanks so much and congratulations on 20 years! Happy Anniversary!!
Sorry for the lack of updates. As sahin mentioned, I recently got married in Kauai. The wedding was on a beautiful beach on the one day we didn't have a torrential downpour. We got very lucky with the weather. It was a great trip, I spent most of my time in the ocean, as I always do in Kauai... or at home for that matter. It is good to be back and I'm very happy to see that my tank survived another trip. Of course, an MP40 westside went out, my oregon tort fell over, and my poor wrasse spent an unknown amount of time in my overflow. Other than that, all is well in the tank.
Here's a video I shot just now with the iPhone.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Love everything about this tank
WOW Conor!!!
Some massive corals in there, love the contrasting colors and growth patterns. Simply amazing man!!! Beautiful fish collection as well![]()
Tank look great Connor. Congrats on the marriage. I hope you have many years of happiness together.
Congrats, and fantastic video. Nice to see the tank doing so well!
Congrats matey! The tank looks fantastic as per usualGood to hear everyone was safe and sound while you were away
Congrats and tank is looking great nice video
Congrats on the marriage! Great video. Good that the tank survived the trip no problems, I don't recall thinking about my tank much on my honeymoon!
Crazy, CRAZY !!
Looking huge and expansive.
Just love your tank, Conor.
What matt said!exactly my thoughts conor!!!
Marriage suits you
Can't believe it's only 16 months old,welldone man and thanks for the vid!
Should've done this before..
Just love the vid.