d2mini's 130g Rimless Cube

Ya, i love my rics especially when the daylight bulb goes off and just the actinics are on. They're all like black light day-glo!
The little brownish guy on the sand bed? That's a Scooter Blenny which is really from the dragonet family. :)
You have a beautiful tank. I love the clean look of the rimless and you obviously spend a lot of time keeping it so pristine.
d2mini- I did a lot of picture looking and skim reading, I don't know if I missed it, but what kind of live sand did you use for this?

Also, I must say your whole setup, home, tank, camera... everything... Amazing! It's really impressive.

Thanks guys!

scott, the sand is from Tampa Bay Saltwater.
It came with the first shipment of rock. Doesn't get any more "live" than that. :)
Some more recent pics. :)




Tank is looking great Dennis. It was just about time to add some nice SPS. Beautiful pictures

Ya, as my sponges have been slowly dying off, I've been able to start introducing some sps. Not as colorful as the sponges were, but I'll get a few more from TBS eventually.

Today I picked up an ORA purple stylo and another frag, can't remember what it was called but it looks like some kind of encrusting monti or something. I'll post pics later.
