d2mini's 130g Rimless Cube

D2, I've enjoyed your thread since you first started it. I've learned quite a bit that I'm trying to incorporate into my setup. Thanks for sharing.

Looks like i missed a few replies. Sorry about that. :o

Gorgeous looking tank man.
That is a piece of art.
What Kelvin is your megachrome bulb?
Thanks! The megachrome is rated as a 14k but it looks a lot whiter than that. Right now i've got the one megachrome and then three 24" ATI Blue Plus and one of the new ATI Purple Plus.

very nice.

Love it. Really like the naturally look you've got going on.
Thank you! I want to add some macro algae to the tank to add to the natural look.

Just read the entire thread -- beautiful work! Congrats.
Thank you.

D2, I've enjoyed your thread since you first started it. I've learned quite a bit that I'm trying to incorporate into my setup. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, glad to help.

Amazing tank you got there! What's your current livestock?
Thank you. For the past few months i've had the same live stock.
1 mated pair of Australian black clowns.
1 scopas tang
1 kole tang
1 blue chromis
1 ora blue mandarin (which seems to just eat pods)

My inverts i've had for quite a while now.
1 cleaner shrimp
2 fire shrimp
1 purple serpent star
1 brown brittle star
1 big orange star
3 cucumbers
1 flame scallop
1 giant ritteri anemone
1 mini maxi anemone
A bunch of snails and blue leg hermits.
Everything except the 3 shrimp and two nems i've had since the tank was set up over a year ago.
Dennis, I have part 2 of "The Package". This is so cool, I love it. Anyway I have a serpent star now, my question is what do you feed yours and how often?
Dennis, I have part 2 of "The Package". This is so cool, I love it. Anyway I have a serpent star now, my question is what do you feed yours and how often?

Hi, sorry I'm late to respond.
Don't know if I mentioned it yet or not but we have our first kiddo on the way, due at the end of May, and people have been throwing us baby showers, we've been trying to get the nursery ready, etc. She's not even here yet and she's sucking up all my time! :D

Anyway, i have a serpent, a brown brittle, and a giant orange star. The first two eat detritus. They stay in the rockwork until i feed the tank. The serpent comes way out into the open and goes nuts trying to get food. The brittle stays mostly hidden but he does come out a little. The big orange guy spends his time on the glass and rocks, eating film algae I guess. I'm not really sure. Sometimes he even climbs to the very top of the glass and then bends over backwards skimming the surface of the water. I don't target feed any of them. It's been over a year now and all three are still going strong.
I had seen your video previously on YouTube, but this thread really showcased your tank much better. If you ever find the time again it would be great if you could update the video. Congrats on a beautiful system and a growing family
One of the most unique and beautiful tanks of the local MARSH group and the RC family. Good job Dennis. It also doesn't hurt that you have some primo photography skills.
Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the nice comments! :)

And ya.... been wanting to do another walk-around video. It's really hard to show the full tank shots and the rockscape in pics.
Here's a different view...

Hey Dennis

CONGRATS in the news if your impending baby girl - Fantastic. Kids are great. Best thing you'll EVER do. Though they don't leave much time for anything else......

cheers :beer: