*d2mini's new 200g Reeftastic Build*

curious for some advice on the technique and tools you use to clean your glass especially on the new tank to avoid scratches? Mag floats, scrappers? Every time i clean my tank its like i find a new scratch, my technique is to use the aqua mop and then i use the Kent scrapper with a green felt edge and edge all the glass on the bottom by the sand carefully not to get a spec of sand on the felt. I am to scared to use a metal edge scrapper with fear of scratches:eek2:

For this tank I picked up a Tunze Care magnet.
Looks nearly impossible for it to scratch.
Looks great Dennis, awesome video. :thumbsup: Now that you are done you can come over and help with my tank. Ha :D

Done?! BWAHAHAHAHA! :lol:

Let's see... today I did the following:
1) Got the frag tank plumbed in, complete with overflow/siphon box from LifeReef
2) Probes calibrated
3) Hung one of my Profilux Powerbars
4) Installed MP40 on the frag tank
5) Mixed up new batch of saltwater
6) Realized my alk dropped (no CaRx hooked up yet) and corrected it
7) Calibrated my new Red Sea refractometer I got from Santa
8) Installed Rubbermaid paper towel holder in fish room :D
9) Really p%#*#d off the misses by how much time I'm spending on the tank!

LOL, that's every day. ;)

Here's a couple pics to show how the lab is coming along.
Random stuff everywhere, wires everywhere, lots of straightening up to do.
Still have plumbing to do too, like getting a feed line to the refugium.
Working on the CaRx. Placing the Co2 canister outside the fish room in the garage. And that Cole-Parmer pump will be running the reactor.
That's one of THREE Cole-Parmers I have on the way, with the other two being used for ATO and AWC.
Topping off by hand for the time being. Ugh.

The frag tank is up and running.
I have all the materials to make some frag racks, just need to find the time.
My two Perc Clowns are in there again.
Still need to net my spotted rabbitfish (aka Algae Control Specialist) from the holding tub.


Yup, that's my CaRx and Cole-Parmer pump (which will run the effluent on the CaRx) I mentioned above. :)

Cant wait to see this all finished again! Ive been creepin on your build thread for at least a year now.. Lots of cool things happening.

Good lord it's huge!!
Not sure what we're talking about, but.... that's what she said! :D
The CaRx is only about 22" tall.
The wide angle is really distorting things. But the room is so small! lol

^^^ :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: ^^^

Dennis, you're a sick puppy! I love it!

I've been waiting to see some of these pictures! Looking damn good! That's a setup to be real proud of. Very well thought out and extremely well executed. Very nice if I must say so myself! I wish I had that kind of space all in one area for all my support equipment. You will be an inspiration when I get my place in Montana! Keep the pictures coming!
^^^ :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: ^^^

Dennis, you're a sick puppy! I love it!

I've been waiting to see some of these pictures! Looking damn good! That's a setup to be real proud of. Very well thought out and extremely well executed. Very nice if I must say so myself! I wish I had that kind of space all in one area for all my support equipment. You will be an inspiration when I get my place in Montana! Keep the pictures coming!


Plumbing had to change a bit from the sketches I was working on previously but pretty much the same concept. Right now all flow is going through the UV, but I can bypass it if I need to. I haven't really been running it much yet either, but I'm setting up the Profilux to run it for daylight hours, at least for now. I have no idea at this point how much flow is going through it. I guess I could try to measure the output of the return lines at the tank with a small bucket since all flow is going through it.
Looks great. That's some impressive plumbing work!

I have a couple questions for you, if you don't mind:

1) Are you going to run your lifereef reactors off a manifold? Jeff suggested I use a dedicated Mag7 in the sump, but I was planning on using a external pump and manifold.

2) What do you have in the left side of your sump? Does your open channel empty there?
Looks great. That's some impressive plumbing work!


1) Are you going to run your lifereef reactors off a manifold? Jeff suggested I use a dedicated Mag7 in the sump, but I was planning on using a external pump and manifold.
Jeff includes a manifold for the reactors, so i'm just running a line off my return to feed it.
But I may be using the same return line to feed the refugium as well.

2) What do you have in the left side of your sump? Does your open channel empty there?
Ya, I ran the open channel to that side and there is another filter pad there.
Right and Left sides feed into the center chamber.
It ain't pretty, but I just created my very first acrylic project... a cover for my outer overflow box. :)

I just had some scrap acrylic laying around and some weld-on 16 with no applicator so I just cut the pieces to size, poured some weld-on onto the bigger top piece and fused it to the smaller piece to create a no-slip cover. Then grabbed an old syringe from the Hanna Alk Checker and applied some more weld-on to the handle and slapped that on top. Bam! Cover complete. :D



And the hole in the top corner is for the airline on my open channel.


Also finished hooking up my CaRx complete with the Cole-Parmer dosing pump.
The pump speed is set to "2" which is giving me continuous fast drip, almost a steady stream.
It's pretty quiet at this low speed. Audible but, barely. At least with all the other noise in the fish room.
