9) Really p%#*#d off the misses by how much time I'm spending on the tank!
LOL, that's every day.
Here's a couple pics to show how the lab is coming along.
Random stuff everywhere, wires everywhere, lots of straightening up to do.
Still have plumbing to do too, like getting a feed line to the refugium.
Working on the CaRx. Placing the Co2 canister outside the fish room in the garage. And that Cole-Parmer pump will be running the reactor.
That's one of THREE Cole-Parmers I have on the way, with the other two being used for ATO and AWC.
Topping off by hand for the time being. Ugh.
The frag tank is up and running.
I have all the materials to make some frag racks, just need to find the time.
My two Perc Clowns are in there again.
Still need to net my spotted rabbitfish (aka Algae Control Specialist) from the holding tub.