*d2mini's new 200g Reeftastic Build*

Tank looks great! Are you planning on putting anything else in with your cardinal fish and mangroves?

Thanks. :)
I had an extra gorgonian still in the holding tub so I threw that in there.
Also put in a huge red brittle star, and a large cucumber.
Although if one of my little cucs in the display tank makes an appearance, I'll swap them out. This cuc in the mangrove tank is really too big.
And I dropped in a large turbo snail.
I'll get another pic soon.

But that's basically it i think.
Some seagrass or something might look cool if I come across any.
Not opposed to something like that, but right now it's not really on my radar.
I've got other things I need to worry about first.
How often are you going to prune that cheetos ball? If it grew like that in 11 days I would be inclined to keep a handful and give it the room to explode. It loves the tumble and the hps.
How often are you going to prune that cheetos ball? If it grew like that in 11 days I would be inclined to keep a handful and give it the room to explode. It loves the tumble and the hps.

Right now I'm just having fun watching it grow and and waiting till it's so large that it can no longer tumble. I think we are almost there! :lol:
It's getting much denser, too. Before you could look through it... no more.
Pic time! :)

Here's a shot of the business end of the completed fish room...


Here's "Mangrove Hill"...


And here's the chaeto ball from hell. :lol:
19 days and counting.
And yes... it's still rotating!

Does it move anymore?

Which bulb is that cheato on? I was looking for the site and I can not find it.
Does it move anymore?

Which bulb is that cheato on? I was looking for the site and I can not find it.
19 days and counting.
And yes... it's still rotating!

And here's the light kit...

No more display fuge??
Besides, with that cheato ball from hell, I don't know that I'd have any nutrients to support a display fuge. Last i checked my nitrates were undetectable.
Dude, i am honestly envious of your equipment room.. And i love the hydrocarbons your mangrove tank! You should get great growth. What wattage is that one?

And lastly, how large in diameter is the ball or "cheato asteroid"? Lol That's awesome that is still tumbling!very cool indeed!
Dude, i am honestly envious of your equipment room.. And i love the hydrocarbons your mangrove tank! You should get great growth. What wattage is that one?

And lastly, how large in diameter is the ball or "cheato asteroid"? Lol That's awesome that is still tumbling!very cool indeed!

Thanks. :)
It's a 250w florescent daylight bulb.
Honestly I think it's a bit overkill for this tank. I had it from my previous build.
Eventually I'll look for something smaller/cooler.
Here's a little video I took of my cheato in the new refugium.
I present to you... "Dance of the Cheato". :D


Reminded me of the plastic bag scene from American Beauty.... HAHA!!

"Do you want to see the most beautiful thing I ever filmed? It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing. And there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it, right? And this Chaeto was just... dancing with me ... like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid. Ever. Video is a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember ... I need to remember...

Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world ... I feel like I can't take it... and my heart is just going to cave in."