Today i did my first WC with AF Probiotic Reef Salt (20 G). It started, let see if I see something different. I will NOT go for the full product line. No time to keep all those dosing.
My Alk was today, at 10 AM (normally I measure it at ~ 9 PM) 7 dkh. The AF salt quality certificate stated that at 1023 the alk has to be 7.7 dkh for that lot. I measured it twice (Salifert Kit) and at 1026 it was 8.4 and 8.3 dkh.
Could that difference in salinity have an effect on the Salt Alk (increased). Nevertheless I did the WC. All looks PICTURES
Fantastic photo bomb!
Good to hear the ssc is encrusting again.
That Note 4 takes an impressive picture
Looking really good Daniel! That tank is stuffed!!
Corals are looking fantastic keep up the great work [emoji106]
Wow wow wow buddy! SPS look sooo nice :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Love the colours you are pulling on those acros.
Do you feed the corals anything or give them additives?
You got it - higher SG will increase the amount of everything in the water. Your calcium and Magnesium would be higher than the test spec as well.
Tank looks awesoooome daniel:inlove::inlove:
Looking killer man!!! Hope you had a great holiday season, your tank looks as though it didLove how full your tank is, not trying to give you any ideas or anything, but that growth may warrant a new tank in your future, lol...
Gorgeous! The colors are fantastic and coral health looks great. I do love everything about this tank!
WOW! You made my day with those photos!!
2nd water change with AF probiotic marine salt. ~ 25 G .
Pictures of the fuge during the water change.
You see 2 clear tubes. One pumps water out, the other IN. The picture shows the water entering in the fuge.
Water is pumping from the Brute to the Fuge. I do not move buckets .......HURRAY !!!
More to come......wife calling for dinner.