DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

So sorry to hear about the PL, that thing was a beast when I first saw it. The peice that you gave me is doing great and so are all your other SPS's. Let me know when your tank is up and ready and I will cut you a nice frag pack of your stuff and some of mines. :) Small little gift for what you did for me before.
Ryan you know it. It's even hard to just go by the bin and look inside...my four year old giant Pink Lemonade that started as a 1" stick is almost completely gone :( Good luck on your move...where are you moving to?

Dan, I was wondering about your giant PL, but I was too scared to ask because I feared it may be one of the corals not doing so hot. I got a 1" stick off your colony which has turned into a huge colony itself, so if you need to get a frag back from your original colony, I am another source, just let me know.
As far as my move goes, im not 100% sure yet, but I am staying in SoCal.:dance:
So sorry to hear about the PL, that thing was a beast when I first saw it. The peice that you gave me is doing great and so are all your other SPS's. Let me know when your tank is up and ready and I will cut you a nice frag pack of your stuff and some of mines. :) Small little gift for what you did for me before.

Thanks Michael, I appreciate that. I definitely keep that in mind when I get to that point :thumbsup:

Dan, I was wondering about your giant PL, but I was too scared to ask because I feared it may be one of the corals not doing so hot. I got a 1" stick off your colony which has turned into a huge colony itself, so if you need to get a frag back from your original colony, I am another source, just let me know.
As far as my move goes, im not 100% sure yet, but I am staying in SoCal.:dance:

Thanks Ryan. Love the weather in Cali, doesn't get much better but man the people density sucks. The good with the bad...good luck.

DanW oh I thought you where running a vertex In 250 or 280 skimmer. sorry
No problem, happy reefing.
I hope you never need to ask me for any frags. I'm the one the one the one that should ask you for frags. I still have a list of things I would like a frag of when they are ready. But if you need anything let me know. :)
Thanks for asking Dan, yup Little Frag Just started sleeping through the night. How much I missed a solid nights sleep!
Thanks for asking Dan, yup Little Frag Just started sleeping through the night. How much I missed a solid nights sleep!
Congrats Bob! This is were it gets much more fun...ahh a full nights sleep...priceless :thumbsup:
Dan, is it a Happy Friday, how is the livestock doing?

+1, Happy Friday and I hope the the livestock issues have settled down!

Happy Friday Dan!

Happy Friday guys :beer: Sorry I've been MIA but it's a busy time at work and my son's baseball season has started so I've been at games and some practices.

Thanks for checking up on me. The white bin has been a challenge for me to keep the parameters stable. I've had to turn on and off the CA Rx several times over the past few weeks as I can't seem to get it dialed in. It may be that I need a new drip valve. As far as the livestock, the fishes are doing great. No losses, no ich and they seem to be nice and fat. The corals on the other hand are struggling. Between the swining parameters and I think that the light spread is not quite enough I've lost a few pieces, a few look like they're on their way out and most are brown. The LPS look good though...except for my flamethrower chalice. It flipped over and because it's hard to see in the bin, I didn't catch it for a few days. By the time I noticed it was too late :( Hopefully as we enter home buying/selling season something nice will come up and I can get this stuff in a proper environment soon.
Sorry for the delayed response Bob, not been on lately...thanks for checking in. The white bin is still struggling but the good news is that I think I've finally gotten it stable. Tested this weekend and the parameters are essentially flat from last week. PO4 is at 0.04 on the Hanna. So hopefully the corals will start doing better. If you can believe it the house search is getting worse! Essentially no new inventory (that were interested in) has hit the market for 2+ weeks...which is concerning since this is the home buying/selling season. Hopefully we'll find something...soon. Hope all is well with you and the baby.
Able to log onto RC and type :D
Yeah I pass under that definition. Just haven't had the desire to log in and post since I've moved to the white bin. It's hard to enjoy the hobby when you can only see it from the top down and when you see the once thriving corals doing poorly. On the bright side my fish seem to be doing well. They don't seem to care about being in the tub.
Getting a bigger tank and curing some more live rock? Whats going on Dan, it has been a long while. I don't see many dead coral skeletons in there, that is a good thing....I think.