DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15239580#post15239580 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
Count your blessings. At least your tank is IN the house!
Yeah but the walk across the dining room on the way to the garage with the skimmer cup is treacherous.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15239697#post15239697 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mclaman
What kind of lights are you going to be using? I don't think your 48" Giesemann fixture is going to cut it.
Yeah Mark (right) the fixture does leave a darker area that is about 6” on each side. (Also realize that there is about 3” - 4” of sand between the end of the rocks and the glass.) I have placed lower light corals in those areas and so far it has worked out good. For example I have a Red Planet at the very edge and it still exhibits very little green, actually almost none.
Dan, I am still hanging on to my main tank. Your room look good with 2 tanks. Tell your wife" Do you think tanks look good than just wall?" We can have family reunion and explore Aquarium of the Pacific In the House. Guests will admire us." :)
I like to come by to check out your tank sometime Dan.

Bro John. When are you going to setup your bro ? follow the bunch bro.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15239525#post15239525 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Yes, two tanks running in the living room. Can you hear my wife? “You want to do what?” “You never told me that you wanted to have two tanks!” “How long will till you take one away, you know the holidays are coming.” Can you hear me? "But, but, but…”


How big is the old tank compare with the new one? look a lil bit bigger in the picture
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15240853#post15240853 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mylittlejade
This will be a fun thread to follow. Dan you have a great tank can't wait to see some of those sps shot's.
Hey Bryan, thanks for hopping aboard. I've gotta make it to your place some day. I KNOW that you are hiding a bunch of gems.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15240976#post15240976 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EmDy
more pics now, Dan.
Sup John? Offer still stands, when you're ready for sticks come on by.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15241365#post15241365 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NVTE
Dan, I am still hanging on to my main tank. Your room look good with 2 tanks. Tell your wife" Do you think tanks look good than just wall?" We can have family reunion and explore Aquarium of the Pacific In the House. Guests will admire us." :)
I like to come by to check out your tank sometime Dan.
Daniel, I tried that and got this :mad2: back. You're welcome to come by anytime.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15241690#post15241690 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ADMTyPeReEf-eR
How big is the old tank compare with the new one? look a lil bit bigger in the picture
ADMTyPeReEf-eR, it's an optical illusion. Old tank was 60x18x24, the new tank is 60x30x24.
These pictures were taken on November 24, 2008. The rocks went in a week earlier and the water finally cleared. I was rushing to get the tank cycled and the livestock moved over before the holidays. I added some Tropical Science Biolabs Nitromax to help shorten the cycle along with a few pieces of raw shrimp. Oh and 3 green chromis two of which made it through.

My inspiration for the rocks was kind of a tropical island. Sloping from the shore to the top of the two volcanoes (sounds corny doesn’t it?) with a small valley in between. I also wanted to be sure that when the tank was stocked I could get a good view of all the corals. I made two pillars using ½” PVC and used Tonga branch as the supporting structure, so it's kinda hollow underneath. The flat rock was laid/wedged on top of the Tonga branch.



In a way it does look kinda cool, like a lifeless dessert or a blank canvas. It’s too bad that I stink at being an interior decorator. :(

BTW I want to thank you and Mark for inspiring me to start this thread. I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t found your threads. I enjoy waiting for the next jaw dropping pictures. Now if I only knew how to take pictures, and knew how to grow corals and could keep fish alive and... :sad2:
I think you got me beat in the "grow coral" category :lol2:

Photography, on the other hand, is much easier to master.
Hi Dan, I plan to get the 24 inch Giesemann Infiniti 1x250W HQI + 4x24W T5 Light Fixture for my 57gal sps tank, dimension 36 x 18 x 21. Do you think its enough to cover the whole tank?Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Your aquascaping looks great! I love the look of that sand bed, I went with fine grain sand on my tank and ended up hating it. Hopefully you have better luck than I do with the sand. For me its always flying around and shifting sides creating bare spots.
Come by anytime Dan, but no comparison to your many colony's of gem's. I just got the Ultimate Purple monster, and Wow! you were right such a great coral.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15244716#post15244716 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
I think you got me beat in the "grow coral" category :lol2:

Photography, on the other hand, is much easier to master.
Yeah right, I've seen your tank, you've got some crazy stuff. It appears that in my case being Asian doesn't help me with photography skills. :p

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15246725#post15246725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
Very nice Dan. Are you going to keep that fine of sand?
Mark, I'm not sure what to do. I've already had problems keeping it in place but as I usually do I've read so much about how a DSB is good that I went overboard. Although I do like the white sand and it seems to stay pretty clean.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15247294#post15247294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer08
Your aquascaping looks great! I love the look of that sand bed, I went with fine grain sand on my tank and ended up hating it. Hopefully you have better luck than I do with the sand. For me its always flying around and shifting sides creating bare spots.
Thanks Ramzy, later you'll see where I moved a few pieces but it is pretty much the finished aquascaping. I finally gave up tinkering as it started making me feel seasick.:o I hear ya about the blowing sand issue.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15247702#post15247702 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mylittlejade
Come by anytime Dan, but no comparison to your many colony's of gem's. I just got the Ultimate Purple monster, and Wow! you were right such a great coral.
Come on Bryan, I **know** from your posts that you have many gems in your tank. I'm sure it's nice and I do want to take you up on a visit. Yes the UPM is an outstanding piece, Mark turned me on to it with one of his amazing photos.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15247189#post15247189 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jeffrey NY
Hi Dan, I plan to get the 24 inch Giesemann Infiniti 1x250W HQI + 4x24W T5 Light Fixture for my 57gal sps tank, dimension 36 x 18 x 21. Do you think its enough to cover the whole tank?Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hey Jeffery thanks for the post. I think that it will absolutely handle the width and depth but like me you will have some darker areas along the sides. It still gets good light but you will not be able to fully color (at least I've not been able to) the really high light loving corals. I've put montis, chalices, favias, acans and SPS that like a little less light (e.g. Red Planet) off to the sides and they are doing well. I love my fixture but if you want to keep high light SPS across the entire length of your tank you might want to consider something else.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15248935#post15248935 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Hey Jeffery thanks for the post. I think that it will absolutely handle the width and depth but like me you will have some darker areas along the sides. It still gets good light but you will not be able to fully color (at least I've not been able to) the really high light loving corals. I've put montis, chalices, favias, acans and SPS that like a little less light (e.g. Red Planet) off to the sides and they are doing well. I love my fixture but if you want to keep high light SPS across the entire length of your tank you might want to consider something else.
Sorry, clicked the wrong icon.
I understand about the sand. I picked up some new "media like" substrate that has been soaking for about 10 days. I am planning on replacing some of the substrate in the next couple of water changes as its about double the size of what I am currently using. I have a 24" long space in the front of my tank where I am BB. Maybe that is a sign :sad1:

So are you going to siphon the current sand out and put in the new sand or put the new sand on top of the old sand?