DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15722003#post15722003 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aquariumclown
AFC rocks!!!

Awesome stuff Dan, I wish I had some money then, I woulda bought all the same stuff you did. lol
Thanks Leo, if (when) they're big enough, a frag is yours!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15722161#post15722161 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
Awesome additions, Dan!

AFC II at RAP will be in a new arena and hopefully expanded to include more contestants :D
Thanks Kenny and I'll chip in for some shrimp/guppies/whatever. My money is on "The Yellow Terror", he lept over the red guy to get his lure out there.:eek2: I swear I could hear John Madden yell "and Boom"!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15723878#post15723878 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Thanks Leo, if (when) they're big enough, a frag is yours!

Thanks Dan, you need to pick something out of my tank too.

What's this one?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15723897#post15723897 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Thanks Kenny and I'll chip in for some shrimp/guppies/whatever. My money is on "The Yellow Terror", he lept over the red guy to get his lure out there.:eek2: I swear I could hear John Madden yell "and Boom"!

We need to do the play by play! I think the arena should be slightly bigger so the hunt will take a little longer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15723919#post15723919 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aquariumclown
Thanks Dan, you need to pick something out of my tank too.

What's this one?
Tyree LE Royal Plum
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15725018#post15725018 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dejavu
Those are some nice frags there Dan. Whats one one on the top right?
Thanks Brian, that's the Tyree LE Super Blue Tenuis
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15443118#post15443118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Thanks Brian, no I only have a single male but maybe someday I'll try to pair him up. My list is really no big deal (unlike some other Big Ballers)...

Amphiprion ocellaris x2
Chromis Viridis x2
Cirrhilabrus jordani
Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis
Macropharyngodon geoffroy
Neocirrhitus armatus
Odontanthias borbonius
Paracanthurus hepatus
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus
Pseudojuloides severnsi
Siganus doliatus
Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Xanthichthys ringens

Cool thread DanW! How is your Xanthichthys ringens Red Tail Trigger doing in the reef? Does it eat shrimp/snails? Is it aggressive towards new additions? Does it try to rearrange anything? Thanks, I am thinking about trying a Triggerfish and want the best one for a reef.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15744212#post15744212 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ryshark
Cool thread DanW! How is your Xanthichthys ringens Red Tail Trigger doing in the reef? Does it eat shrimp/snails? Is it aggressive towards new additions? Does it try to rearrange anything? Thanks, I am thinking about trying a Triggerfish and want the best one for a reef.
Thanks Ryan, both the Xanthicthys Ringens and the Xanthicthys Auromarginatus have been model citizens. I have never seen them bother any fish, inverts or corals. They have never touched the aquascape. As a matter of fact, I would say that they are on the more timid side except when it comes to eating, pretty bold when the food hits the water.
Hey Dan. My Niger is exactly the same temperament. Has a knee jerk reaction anything that hits the water, once I put in a baby anthia and he bit right into his tummy. He didn't want to eat it, it was just instinct. I shoulda taken a picture of it but I was too busy being shocked.
Well, haven't posted in a while been super busy with work and kid activities but I'm still having on going issues with the tank. Looks like the Pink Lemonade that I grew from a stick to a huge colony is now having issues as I'm seeing some necrosis in the middle of the colony. Also, I added more flow to the tank (2 x 6105) which created a sand storm while I was dialing them in (facing the right direction and the right power level). As a result of kicking stuff up (**I think**) I lost 4 wrasses within 48 hours of adding the new powerheads. Geeze a tank that two months ago I though was heading in the right direction has done a 180. All of the parameters are good so I'm at a loss to understand what is going on. I know it's a long shot but I'll be changing the bulbs out this weekend to see if that could be a contributing factor.:sad1:

12/07 around 6 months after it went in to my old tank, about 1.5"

7/09 about 8" wide x 12" tall
aw Dan, sux about the wrasses, man I hate losing fish. My sixline mysteriously died a few days ago, could be my Niger, but I saw no evidence other than a missing chunk of flesh on it's back. Had the sixline for 6 years. RIP.

Hope your acro issue is more isolated than Kenny's.
Sorry to hear about your wrasses, but your PL frag is looking great. The PL frag you gave me has gotten it's color back in my tank too, due to my low alk.

Dan im sorry to hear that your having problems with your tank again. If I can help at all please let me know, ill house some corals of yours if you want.

Since the pink lemonade has necrosis in the middle of the colony I think that means that its not getting any flow in the middle of the colony. You can try fragging it in the middle so its branches aren't so dense and the flow can get to the middle. Maybe add a modded tunze nanostream on the back of your tank and have it directed at the PL.

I think a lot of problems might have been caused by the new Tunzes that created a sandstorm. Some junk might have been released that was in the sand. I think its going to be difficult preventing a sand storm in the tank with a lot of flow and that sugar sized sand.

I was having the same problem in my tank with sand storms from the tunze + mp40 combo so I slowly started to sipon out sand each water change I did.
Dan, sorry to hear that your problems are continuing. I hope you can find a solution soon.
Thanks for the well wishes guys it's been a bit discouraging lately. Did some cleaning up yesterday and pulled out six more corals that were pretty much gone.:sad1:

Kenny: I did not add any sand yet but I've been soaking some Special Grade in RODI and will add it maybe today or next weekend. I need to get some PVC to add it via your method.

Ramzy: I changed my bulbs because the issues started after my last bulb change. Might be coincidental but the salinity and other parameters have been stable for the last few weeks and I'm still having issues. My NO3 is good 2.5 (Elos) but my PO4 is way up at 0.09.:eek2: My tank is usually at 0.03, I'm thinking it's because of the recent fish losses.
Dan, my suggestion is to hold off on adding the sand for now. Part of me wondered if adding the sand was part of the problem in my tank, trapping stuff in the sandbed without any effective way of keeping it clean. You certainly don't want another headache to worry about. Just keep things simple without any major changes for now until the tank is fully recovered. At least there will be fewer potential problems to deal with