DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

When your lights go off you can wait about an hour to see if you see them, usually they are hard to find and will take some searching. If you turn off your lights and see them within 10-15 mins, then they are hungry and ready to look for some food. If you find them you can turn off your flow and move them close to the aiptaisa and it should be gone it the morning or the next day. Thats what happen to me and I got to the point where I had no more aiptasia left and I would turn off the lights and 10 mins I would see 5-10 looking for food. If you see them during the light hours then they are really starve or about to die. I had a couple of them do that but I don't think they made it, because I moved them to aiptaisa but I think the move might have been too much.
As for my tank, it's gonig to take a while. I just lost my mini colonie of green slimer, it's not an expensive peice but I started out with an 1/2" frag and grew it pretty nicely. Hopefully things start to turn. Always trying to look on the brighter side. lol :)
Thanks Michael, I can only find one aptasia left on the rocks (wonder if there is more hidden). I will keep an eye out for them after the lights go off to see if nudis are starting to starve.
Thought that I was going to lose this piece during the tank issues as it discolored and had tissue recession but its fighting it way back.


That's a beauty.:thumbsup:
Thought that I was going to lose this piece during the tank issues as it discolored and had tissue recession but its fighting it way back.


That's a beautiful piece and a really nice picture Dan! You're really coming along in the picture department. I've got some catching up to do....
Great stuff Dan, In my experience, chalices recover pretty quick when the receed of get stung
That's a beauty.:thumbsup:

That's a beautiful piece and a really nice picture Dan! You're really coming along in the picture department. I've got some catching up to do....

Great stuff Dan, In my experience, chalices recover pretty quick when the receed of get stung
Thanks guys. Yeah, I got this new software application. Don't know if you've heard about it called "Photoshop". It can magically make brown coral pink w/yellow eyes...see! :lol2: j/k actually haven't figured out how to work the software...yet. I was pretty happy that this piece didn't roll over during the tank issues. When I saw the edges receding I was really worried as this and my Pink Lemonade have been in my tank since late 2007 and were grown from 1/2 frags.
So I wake up this morning and I hear my skimmer bubbling over. I open the cabinet doors and not only is it bubbling over but there is foam to the top of my sump on the skimmer side! What the...:confused: I've never had this happen before...didn't dose anything last night. Spawning event perhaps? Display looks clear as usual though. What irritates me is that it dumped about 4 days of black nog back into the tank :mad2:
Wow that suck Dan. Every thing I spill a little skimmate back in the tank my skiller goes nut and pulls it back out.

Don't you have a BK? If so clean the air lines. That might be the cause.
Wow that suck Dan. Every thing I spill a little skimmate back in the tank my skiller goes nut and pulls it back out.

Don't you have a BK? If so clean the air lines. That might be the cause.
Yeah, I was POed that I dumped about 1/4 of dark skimmate back into the tank. The BK's air lines were clear and has run perfectly since, so I donno? One of those aquarium mysteries I guess.
Well after going back to my normal every other week water changes for just over a month now, I am seeing the same type of tissue damage that I had before i.e. recession from the tips of some (not all) of my SPS. Since it got better with weekly water changes and now coming back with biweekly water changes, the only thing I can think of is that there is something dissolving in my system. I've run poly filter but there is no color change with the exception of the normal browning after a few weeks. I really can't think of anything else it could possibly be. So I'm going to empty my sump (again) this weekend to check for any foreign objects, hopefully I find something as I really don't want to have to do weekly water changes forever :sad2:
Well after going back to my normal every other week water changes for just over a month now, I am seeing the same type of tissue damage that I had before i.e. recession from the tips of some (not all) of my SPS. Since it got better with weekly water changes and now coming back with biweekly water changes, the only thing I can think of is that there is something dissolving in my system. I've run poly filter but there is no color change with the exception of the normal browning after a few weeks. I really can't think of anything else it could possibly be. So I'm going to empty my sump (again) this weekend to check for any foreign objects, hopefully I find something as I really don't want to have to do weekly water changes forever :sad2:

Bummer Dan... I've had some similar issues with tissue recession at the tips (on "some" corals) ever since I changed my T5 bulbs. I cut the schedule a bit and it seems to be tapering some but still there just slightly.

Is this how your problem started, "after" you changed your lights out? I thought I remembered it was shortly after a bulb change that your problems began. Is this right?
