DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

Boy it's sure getting thick around here... ATB this BK that... Lol!~

To each his own but the KING is still the KING!

In the unforgettable words of Mel Brooks, "It's good to be the King!"

Yes he is and he makes a pretty good buger :)

woow :bounce3: you will love that skimmer. And don't listen to those ATB guys ;)

Thanks Leonardo, I can't wait to see the progress on the Formosa Forest Part Deux. It's gonna be a killer build. ATB guys? Eh, I don't listen to anyone anyway, perhaps why that's why I get the poor results I get :o
I like tbone's style. Shakes up the pot and leaves the room for the rest of the people to debate. Love the hit and run style :lmao: Your welcome to snow globe this thread anytime, there's no rudder on this ship.

now i'm subscribed! :lol:

This thread has been offically tboned; welcome to the club :beer:

Actually, I was quite ON-topic. I replied with a very pertinent post (WIN) to a post about BK skimmers. T-boning would be best described as discussing BK skimmers in an ATB post :lol:
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Actually, I was quite ON-topic. I replied with a very pertinent post (WIN) to a post about BK skimmers. T-boning would be best described as discussing BK skimmers in an ATB post :lol:

Ah man, it seems like you have turned over a lew leaf Terry and for that I applaud you. I used to love the tboning of threads. I guess we need more ingredients like Jim and Sang :hammer:
now i'm subscribed! :lol:

Actually, I was quite ON-topic. I replied with a very pertinent post (WIN) to a post about BK skimmers. T-boning would be best described as discussing BK skimmers in an ATB post :lol:

Wow... you're funny Dude! You're welcome to Tbone my thread anytime... Although I'm an Alpha guy but that's pretty close to being a BK guy, lol!~