A few weeks ago my son won a bucket of the new Seachem Salinity salt in a raffle. With few exceptions (1 bucket of D-D, 1 bucket of Ocean Pro Pure) I have been using TMP for my water changes for years but since the bucket was free I thought that I’d give it a try. Here are the parameters on the first batch after mixing for 14 hours:
30 gallons
Temp: 77.3 degrees
Salinity: 35 ppt
MG: 1400 ppm (Elos)
CA: 360 ppm (Elos)
Alk: 10 dKH (API)
NO3: Undetectable (Elos)
PO4: 0.05 ppm (Hanna)
Impressions: Much more concentrated than TMP. I usually use a little more than 15 cups of TMP per 30 gallons while I only used ~12.5 cups of Salinity. It was much cloudier and took longer to dissolve than TMP, noticed white chunks swirling around for a long time. Except for the unbalanced CA (which I will buffer up), the parameters look good but what is concerning is that I see small flecks at the bottom of the mixing barrel that kind of looks like glitter as well as some undissolved solids

I have never seen this with TMP.