DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

any recent FTS
Hey Lawrence, tanks for stopping by I've seen your thread and you've got a monster of a tank going there. Love the use of the kiddie pool during the transfer. I'll try to get some updated FTS over the weekend. Believe me "ain't no big thing" though.
Happy Friday...

Dan, subscribed your thread for while. Great tank and fantasic seleciton of fish, keep up the good work!

I am planning the lighting of my future tank update, which will be a 48" X 30" (D) X 20" (H) rimless. Most likely light will be either 10 lamp ATI PM or Gman Spectra 2X 250MH 4X T5, how do you like the spectra so far? From the spec and picture, I gesitmate the reflector is about 15" X 15" is it close? It appears to have good size reflector comparing to other MH/t5 fixture, that's why I like it (plus mogul socket). My concern on spectra is no active cooling will T5 get too hot and loss some performance what do you think?

oops I almost forgot to ask you what is current bulb combination? Thanks.
Great pic Dan. I still need to add a few to my tank.
Thanks Brian, he's my latest addition. I'm thinking of removing the Borbonius since he bullies any other fish that is added. He's not exactly rolling out the red carpet for the linny :(
Dan, subscribed your thread for while. Great tank and fantasic seleciton of fish, keep up the good work!

I am planning the lighting of my future tank update, which will be a 48" X 30" (D) X 20" (H) rimless. Most likely light will be either 10 lamp ATI PM or Gman Spectra 2X 250MH 4X T5, how do you like the spectra so far? From the spec and picture, I gesitmate the reflector is about 15" X 15" is it close? It appears to have good size reflector comparing to other MH/t5 fixture, that's why I like it (plus mogul socket). My concern on spectra is no active cooling will T5 get too hot and loss some performance what do you think?

oops I almost forgot to ask you what is current bulb combination? Thanks.
Thank you for the kind words Ryan. Funny I was also considering those exact two pendants along with the Sfiligoi XR6. The reflectors are about 14" x 7" and I'm not sure about the T-5 temp/performance but remember that since you have halides for the most part you're looking for color supplementation (at least I am). My current bulb configuation is Radiums with 3 G-man Atinic+ and 1 Fiji Purple. I think that over a 48" tank the Spectra would be perfect, I get some darker areas along the left/right sides because my tank is 60". I'm currently considering going LED...hey maybe you can buy my fixutre :lol:
Thanks Brian, he's my latest addition. I'm thinking of removing the Borbonius since he bullies any other fish that is added. He's not exactly rolling out the red carpet for the linny :(

This is not good news:( I used to have 5 of in my old tank. I really want to add a few to my new tank. The good thing is they will probably be the last fish in the tank if I cant find any pyramid butterflies:spin3:

The 5 I had before really didnt bother a thing. They would quarrel amongst themselves but never bothered other fish. But I only had them for like 8 months and they were still less then 2"
Wow the combo should pop up color nicely! How do you like the growth on Radium? I remember you had amazing growth with previous G-man 14K.
I will be glad to take your spectra if I decide to go with MH/T5 fixture, I am new to SPS an trying all-t5 and Radium to see which one is for me and determine the light for my upgrade, here is my tank update thread.
My bro go to socal from time to time, if I will buy the spectra from you I can have him pick up for me.
I will be interested to see how you corals doing under LED, you have awesome collection of SPS, if you can have a successful LED SPS. I believe lot of reefers will follow.
I just heard an interesting stat tonight. Barry Zito in 108-6 when he receives 4+ runs and 24-2 with the Giants.

Hi Dan :wavehand:
Nice tank Dan....in the process of planning a 180G build myself. Equipment on the way (being shipped)....but taking everything slowly...
I like the Radiums and the growth has been pretty good but not as much with the G-Mans BUT I had tank issues just as I installed the Radiums so its not a fair comparison. I'll check out your build thread and see what your up too as soon as life slows down...maybe tonight. As far as LEDs, I'm no pioneer and I've shown that its very dangerous to follow my lead :lol:

Wow the combo should pop up color nicely! How do you like the growth on Radium? I remember you had amazing growth with previous G-man 14K.
I will be glad to take your spectra if I decide to go with MH/T5 fixture, I am new to SPS an trying all-t5 and Radium to see which one is for me and determine the light for my upgrade, here is my tank update thread.
My bro go to socal from time to time, if I will buy the spectra from you I can have him pick up for me.
I will be interested to see how you corals doing under LED, you have awesome collection of SPS, if you can have a successful LED SPS. I believe lot of reefers will follow.
I just heard an interesting stat tonight. Barry Zito in 108-6 when he receives 4+ runs and 24-2 with the Giants.

Hi Dan :wavehand:
There you go again wearing those Black and Orange bandana on your sleeve (tbone can't be far behind :worried:). I'll look at the numbers a little later but off the top of my head I'd say that ANYONES record has to be pretty good if their team scores 4+. If a starter averages say 6 innings per start then they only need to keep their ERA under 6.00 in order to pick up the win. Pretty low bar hun?
Nice tank Dan....in the process of planning a 180G build myself. Equipment on the way (being shipped)....but taking everything slowly...
Thank you. I would welcome you to RC seeing that this is your first post but it says you joined in 2005...so I'm honored that I could get you to make your first post here. Please let me know if you start a thread and if not let me know how your build progresses. Glasgow...UK?
This is not good news:( I used to have 5 of in my old tank. I really want to add a few to my new tank. The good thing is they will probably be the last fish in the tank if I cant find any pyramid butterflies:spin3:

The 5 I had before really didnt bother a thing. They would quarrel amongst themselves but never bothered other fish. But I only had them for like 8 months and they were still less then 2"
Yep I know that a few people have had this issue...Mark (Poletti) likens their behavior more like a snapper and I'd agree but every fish is different so you never know. I hear that Hemitaurichthys polylepis are pretty cool.
Very nice Dan. How big is it? I've never got one since they are one of the largest Cirrhilabrus.
Thanks Mark, he's about 3.5". You know I'm a wrasse guy...always wanted one of these guys...now about those (*&%#$ rhomboids....