DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

And you're one to talk :lmao:

Hey, I have nothing to talk about except gloom, doom, and dispair with my corals :crazy1: So since I have nothing nice to show for myself, so I show nothing! :D Except for fish that is ... I can keep fish alive :fish1:
Sorry guys, I'm in the "808" right now but I do have something up my sleeve.


Gotta run, gonna get some hot malassadas!...Aloha
Dude, does it really matter what the locale is? Relaxation is all that matters and it looks like that particular locale fits the bill, no?
Nice view Dan. At least give us a hint with which island. I just got back from the 808 last night, but I'm not sure what city that is. Seeing the fish and reefs in the wild in person was awesome. I wasn't aware that there is not Staghorn coral on the islands. That was a tiny bit disappointing.
Kailua or Waimanalo, we have family on the big island, not too versed on Oahu's scenes even though we were just there last summer.
Build is going slower than I would like Dan, the new frag should be here anytime this week hopefully sohe has been taking a lot of our time.
Hope all is well and Aloha! Oh if you are on Oahu stop by Leonard's and get some Malasdas for me too! Yum!!!
Kailua or Waimanalo, we have family on the big island, not too versed on Oahu's scenes even though we were just there last summer.
Build is going slower than I would like Dan, the new frag should be here anytime this week hopefully sohe has been taking a lot of our time.
Hope all is well and Aloha! Oh if you are on Oahu stop by Leonard's and get some Malasdas for me too! Yum!!!
Winner, winner. Bob I'll give you your Kailua guess as its close enough were actually in Lanikai. The house we rented is right across from the twin islands. I've always wanted to go to the Big Island but I have family on Oahu and Maui and seem to never be able to squeeze it in. Yes, Leonard's is on our list of things to do. We already hit up the Leonard's Jr. truck and Agnes' Bakery for some hot malasadas...mmmm. Very exciting man...the new frag will be here soon. Your days of sound sleep are numbered...but its all good :thumbsup:
Dude, does it really matter what the locale is? Relaxation is all that matters and it looks like that particular locale fits the bill, no?
Yeah Kenny, pretty relaxing just what the doctor ordered.

Nice view Dan. At least give us a hint with which island. I just got back from the 808 last night, but I'm not sure what city that is. Seeing the fish and reefs in the wild in person was awesome. I wasn't aware that there is not Staghorn coral on the islands. That was a tiny bit disappointing.
What island did you go to? To get to the better places you gotta go off the beaten path.

I have no idea where you are, but I have a feeling that this time next year, I will be there :lol:
I'm big on renting houses/condos on vacations as I'm not a big hotel guy. Check out VRBO dot com, great deals on places both in and out of the tourist places. I be more than happy to help suggest/comment on a location for you when the time comes.
What island did you go to? To get to the better places you gotta go off the beaten path.

That makes sense, we didn't really get off the beaten path. The first part of the vacation we stayed at Turtle Bay on the North Shore of Oahu, it had cool fish and some Pocillopora, the other part of the trip we rented out an ocean front condo in Diamond Head, saw a few fish out front there. The other places I went snorkeling was Hanauma Bay of course... lots of awesome big fish, but it was sad to see the coral so beaten up from humans. We also tried a couple other places which which "Snorkel Bob's" recommended which were, Sans Souci Beach and also next to a research pier on the south shore a little bit up the east side of the island, actually probaby pretty close to where you are in Lanikai. Overall Hanuama Bay was the best.
I drove by Leonardis several times and my wife and I commented out busy it was and how there were usually very large people walking out of there. I wish we would have tried it now. We went to another very popular Hawaiian food place called Heleans Hawaiian food, on Thursday.... and had Shave Ice at a few places. I'm sure the kids would enjoy that!
Hey Dan, Glad to see your on vacation. Hope you have fun, I have always wanted to go to the big island too. If I ever get to go I'll be sure to ask you where to stay and go.
How's the tank doing? I had a quick question about your swabble. I got my new alpha 200 cone skimmer and was thinking of getting the swabble, is it worth it? Well have fun on the rest of your vacation.