Deeznutz Hd 120 Shallow rimless (Pics)

Update time!!!

What's up guys and gals, my build is starting to come together.

Today I finally got my tank trimed with quartz. The trim wraps all the way around the tank. I must say, it looks very sharp and finished.:bounce1:
I didn't realize how nice it looked until I was just sitting at my island and as I was looking around watching my daughter run around I had to stop and do a double take at the tank cause it just looked soooo good:eek1:
I guess that pink foam didn't to the tank any justice lol.

My plumbing parts are all in and I've started the plumbing process. My only problem is a cracked one of my bulk heads. I think I used too much teetape. on my last bulkhead :worried:
Note to self: always buy extra's or what I like to call "just in case sh$% happens parts" lol

I was going to start cutting and glueing my pipes last night, but that glue is so strong smelling, I'd rather have the wife and kids out of the house when I do that. I'm debating if I should have my sump in place before I run my pipes, or if I should mock it up and hopefully it works out???

As for my drains and return pipe within the overflow box. I'm a bit confused on the confiquation of the pipes. I want easy access to them and not have it too congested in there.

My main issue is that the return line(1") will be split into 2 3/4 loc-lines with
3" flare nozzles. As you may or may not remember my over flow box contains 4 holes. One hole is for the return and the other 3 are drains.(Dan Animal Drain)
The issue is that the 3/4 loclines have to go to extend on both sides of the over flow box(approx 18") I'm note sure if I should put the return on one of the center pipes or if I should put it on one of the outer pipes.

My thoughts for this would be the following from left to right.

-Retrun as high up as possible but still low enough to be consealed up the cover
-Secondary drain in a Durso style configuration.
-Primary Siphon drain.
-Emergency/Water change drain

So the things I have on the list before this babyb can get wet is

Finish all plumbing
Purchage 125 gallon long and drill
Waiting for return pump(should be this week)

Hmmm thats not much as all :spin1:

Ok, enough of my rambbling and talking about stuff noone really cares to read. On to the Pics! Oh wait, I'm at work and the pics are on my computer at home.

Ok on to photobucket, oh wait I'm blocked access at work :(

Sorry guys, I'll have to post the pics tonight when I get home from work. :(

Untill then.....

U tank-tease

Sorry it was not my intention to tank tease you. So I'll now post the goods.

Tank trimmed and ready to go!





And here's a close up. My counter guy says it's going to add some bling bling as this top is slightly different from our kitchen. It has metallic flakes in it which should sparkle nicely


Until next time"¦.
My first addition to the tank!!!

Man oh man am I excited. I feel like a little school girl running circles in the school yard, giggling to myself while others look upon me shaking their heads in disarray :lolspin:

My first addition to the tank isn't really that exciting but to me it's one step closer to having a display tank again!

With picking a sand to use and/or not using sand at all, I've decide to go with oolite sand again. Even though I pulled it out of my last display, I just love the look. This time I rinses the %$#% out of it. In my last display I just added it directly into the tank. I think this was a bad move as the silt from the sand covered all the rock and in theory(mine anyways) clogged the rocks.

Here are the pics.

My first addition to the tank






And finally my humble 72 bow front (2005) which started all of this madness.

Is the oolite going to be a problem with your flow that stuff is powder sugar fine might get blown around a lot

Well it is very fine, but I think with the MP's going the length of the tank shouldn't blow it around too much. The flow actually gets a chance to travel and dissipate before it hits the glass on the other end. Hopefully anyways. I find SPS need good flow, but everyone seems to think they need crazy amounts. As long as the polyps move it should be ok.

I forgot the dimensions of your tank but Damm is it sweet is that freaking glass 1/2" thick

Thanks man, I'm loving the dimensions as well. Might have gone a touch deeper if I could do it again, but the change in dimensions could have effected the over all look we were after. The dimensions are 84x18x18 and it's 3/4" starphire ;)

Daamm that's bad azz deeper would've been nice even just 20" or 22" still looks great

Yeah, 20" would have been nice for sure. I only have to replace the bottom and 2 sides if that were the case. No biggy. The front glass was the expensive piece.

Nice sand, planning on adding water anytime soon?

Lol, yes soon. :deadhorse:
Maybe you can come give me a hand. I'm sure things would move along a lot faster :smokin:
In AWE! lol

In AWE! lol

Yeah, 20" would have been nice for sure. I only have to replace the bottom and 2 sides if that were the case. No biggy. The front glass was the expensive piece.

Lol, yes soon. :deadhorse:
Maybe you can come give me a hand. I'm sure things would move along a lot faster :smokin:

Gosh I'd be happy to help your projects along! Everything is turning out so awesome! :bigeyes:
Yeah, 20" would have been nice for sure. I only have to replace the bottom and 2 sides if that were the case. No biggy. The front glass was the expensive piece. Lol, yes soon. :deadhorse: Maybe you can come give me a hand. I'm sure things would move along a lot faster :smokin:

Yeah well if you didn't live in the sticks I might just show up LOL ;)