What program do you use to create the animated sketches?
Build looks awesome!!
Congratz on the new place and on your new build buddy! am sure this will be an amazing system!!
got to check it out in person one of this days man!!!!
Another awesome tank is showing up.
Judging from the last two pictures of the tank it looks like you have some ghosts looking to make a home in that tank as well. :fun4:
Very nice!!
I think it looks outstanding and I am very happy for you. The only thing I would have done differently is your stand. I think it's amazing I would have used white Formica not painted it. Only because paint can peel or get scratched and if it gets wet durning maintenance it will start to peel off. Other then that I am very excited to see your progressing wonderfully.
tank and stand look awesome, might want to leave baseboard alone, and keep tank a inch or two away, as you might need some clearance behind tank to run wires etc.
congrats on the tank. i like the unique stand aswell
I agree on leaving the baseboard. There could be a mild situation.
House remodel = Awesome
Tank & Stand = Incredible
2 Audi's in the driveway = priceless
Lol can't wait to see this completed great job
Sorry, not "mild" situation, but "mould" situation. Stupid auto correct.
Yes, think of a few splashes of water that will eventually get behind the tank, the water will definitely find enough place to pour behind the tank, but will it quickly dry out? I would definitely keep a gap.