Thanks! How many pipes will you have running there?
No problem, sorry it took so long.
The plan is to run 4x1" pipes.
3 drains and 1 return.
My idea is to run the bean animal setup. 2 for the main drain. The emergency drain will be teed to my maintenance sink with a valve so i can siphon the sand bed upstairs and drain it downstairs right into the drain. I'm not sure how I plan on starting the siphon, but if i run the hose down the E-drain and put the other end in front of a power head, it might be enough to start the siphon???
I just don't want to lug around buckets of water anymore. I'm uber lazy
You know what I mean, or did i just confuse the F out of you? lol.
Simply amazing. Great taste in generall. House tank everything. Please continue with updates.
Regarding marine pure I'm using it in my 260g and all I can say its amazing.
I'm using 2 blocks the big ones in my sump. 0 maintenance
Thank you so much for your compliments. It's truly our dream home on a modest budget.
As for the Marine pure. I've not had a chance to research it. But thanks for the reminder, I got side tracked. Where can I get this stuff? How much is it? How much would you recommend I need for my system?
120DT >> 110Sump >> 75 frag tank
Would you say your tank has a high bioload? Maybe a fish list? I guess it need time to seed like marco rocks?
Sorry for all the questions, but I like the idea of Marine pure.