Deltec based DIY skimmer

RichTG said:
Nice job Clinton, where do you guys buy your acrylic from? I'd like to build a new skimmer to replace my cc. Rich.

I buy my stuff form Johnston Industrial Plastics, never had the time or room when i was down in Cowtown. Too bussy with family, they all live down there. Only good store in town would be AI, not sure if it's worth the drive, but if your in town.;)

Nice job-
I was wanting to make sure I understand the dyi injector. So when you drill the 5/32 hole - you drill that through the pvc and into the 1/2" barb to slip joint ( so when water passes it sucks air in)- correct?
johnism said:
Nice job-
I was wanting to make sure I understand the dyi injector. So when you drill the 5/32 hole - you drill that through the pvc and into the 1/2" barb to slip joint ( so when water passes it sucks air in)- correct?


Do the venturi valves need to be glued together or just shoved together ? Pvc glue or with the weld 16 ( will that work )?
I just shoved it all together, that way i can take it apart if i need to remove anything that might jam into. Also makes it earier to clean out.

So the power heads are all using 1/2 pvc line- Correct.
Are the overflow box line and the output line 1"?
Thanks again,
Great DIY skimmer! Very inspirational.

I don't know if anyone replied to an earlier question, but I believe the Euroreef skimmers are designed so the water flow goes through the venturi first and then to a needlewheel pump in order to break up the bubbles even more. Otherwise, the needlewheel wouldn't really do anything since no air would be injected yet.

But, I am no engineer. Heck, I can't even assemble lego properly.

Fraggle Rock
Fraggle Rock2 said:
Great DIY skimmer! Very inspirational.

I don't know if anyone replied to an earlier question, but I believe the Euroreef skimmers are designed so the water flow goes through the venturi first and then to a needlewheel pump in order to break up the bubbles even more. Otherwise, the needlewheel wouldn't really do anything since no air would be injected yet.

But, I am no engineer. Heck, I can't even assemble lego properly.

Fraggle Rock

Which is the way mine works.;)

Wow...the best thing I've seen in a long time.

Wow...the best thing I've seen in a long time.

What a great idea that bioball mod is.
I whipped one up in 5 minutes using a straight razor blade to cut the pins. I'm using it right now on my Seaclone skimmer pump and what a difference. Operates silently now too!
I have previously done all the mods to the seaclone and it was still poor at best. This is the mod that everyone needs to know about.
Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know about this...but I say good work Clinton.

I knew I would find a use for those bioballs from my wet/dry days.

Just a note on the Bioball impeller mod.
My bioballs must be a different brand than yours. Mine are the large size "Lee's" brand. They have 6 rows of pins, whereas it looks like yours has only four rows. I initially cut the last two rows off my bioball leaving three as shown in yours. Just for the heck of it I made another one and left 4 rows of pins. It now is just slightly wider in diameter than the original impeller. It works even better. I cut every second pin off on the outside row, but I only did that because I accidentally broke one off and wanted it to be somewhat ballanced.

Just thought I'd let ya know.

Yeah i already knew that, i just wasn't going to buy 1000 bio balls when i neede 2. The only ones i can buy seperate where the ones i have.

I was thinking about trying to use a coil on the impeller.

Ever use one of those milk frothers? Those things really work at mixing it up!


Figured it would be worth trying out.

Fraggle Rock
Could work but the device also has to push the water through the pump . The bioball thing works so well I wouldn't recommend you spend much time or money experimenting on other designs.
hi clinton, i've made my own needle wheel using a bioball and notice that the pump loses its power gradually over a no. of days.....did u face the same problem?
i'm thinking, since the venturi that is made already produce pretty fine bubbles(by looking at a normal venturi skimmer), by chopping it with a normal impeller should be sufficient, perhaps a 6blade impeller or even better a 8blade one...are there any drawbacks? i heard its gonna be noisy....
Never had the lose of power, it is less powerful witht the needle wheel impeller but it's more efficent and way quiter. The 6-8 blade impeller woud work fine i would think but it will be noisey. Buy the way you really don't need a lot of power just the ultra fine bubbles. I've also found with less output you get a better foam production. You could try the extra impellr blades and slice them a few times to act like a neddle impeller.
