DIY Natureef Style Denitrator Build and Data thread...

Question, how much an how often do you dose when trying to get to the first cycle. Matt suggested an amount for me however I would like to understand the formula so I could program my apex.
Thank you both for a great write up.

What is your current nitrate reading and what test kit are you using?
Based on chamber size and nitrate you should dose 10 ml of pure methanol (20ml if you've diluted it already to 50%)

You should test nitrates once a day; cycle is complete when nitrates read zero. Hoefully, youwill see the water get cloudy in the chamber. Keep the internal pump running continuously.

Then flush for 20 minutes and start again. Once you get the cycle under 24 hours you can automate it with your apex.
I checked with Matt yesterday because I couldn't believe it. Still don't know that I fully believe it.
Grant it my nitrates were not crazy high so that most likely played a big part.
Thanks Matt for your bacteria.
So yesterday I got this with an API test kit.

Today I wanted to recheck with a salifert test kit.

I flushed today so let's see in another two days.
I have a question:
I've been using my Natureef Denitrator for about 10 years...
I have the small 5 gallon Chamber originally on a 55gal now on a 90 gal...
Cycling every 6 hours 4X a day...Methanol and Strontium
Heeding Dr T's advise on getting a little more flow than I had in my chamber, things "seem better", (it's been so long since I've fooled with it that I've forgotten so much) but on an established system with no detectable nitrates, what should I expect to see in my chamber, and when. So I can see how things are going? Any time I've checked it, nitrate and nitrite are undetectable...

(I've got good bacteria growth all along the walls of the chamber)
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I'm sorry, let me clarify.
I'm not experiencing any problems.
It is working wonderfully, but I forget what readings of Nitrate/Nitrite or anything else I should expect to see during each of my 4 cycles, for the purpose of tweaking or calibrating if need be.
It's been on a "set it and forget it" mode for so long, that I forgot it.
And I currently have no detectable nitrates in my DT,
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Sounds like it's working GREAT! I would LOVE a pic of your system; Matt and I will be doing a presentation next year at a club meeting and I'd love to include a pic of a 10 year old successful methanol denitrator in it!

Problems to look for:
If you get a cyano bloom or notice your display tank is cloudy - you probably need to decrease the methanol dose.
If you can, check your strontium level in your tank - High strontium levels can lead to problems/deaths of shrimp, clams, crabs (inverts).

What is your current Phosphate level?
IME the phosphate isnt removed until after the nitrates become undetectable in the chamber. Because of that I run mine on a 9 hour cycle. My nitrates are gone at about 6 hours and my phosphates zero out at around 8 hours.

To be honest, the only maintenance is the occasional cleaning of the internal pump. Optionally, you could remove the excess bacteria biomass as it builds up if you want but it's not required.
I'm sorry, let me clarify.
I'm not experiencing any problems.
It is working wonderfully, but I forget what readings of Nitrate/Nitrite or anything else I should expect to see during each of my 4 cycles, for the purpose of tweaking or calibrating if need be.
It's been on a "set it and forget it" mode for so long, that I forgot it.
And I currently have no detectable nitrates in my DT,

I just realized this is Damion? Didnt remember your RC name. :D
Yes and thanks DrT. It's been a pleasure getting to know someone so nice to share in our hobby. You've been a great help...
I just checked strontium levels and they are on the low side of normal.
.94 mg/L with a Salifert kit.
Maybe I could bump up my Phosphagone dosing a little more...
With the new mixing pump in my chamber, I've noticed some peeling of the bacteria off of the walls (due to more flow), but new bacteria has formed coating the newly exposed walls, so visually it looks right.

So my question is, if I have close to 0 Nitrates flushing into the chamber...
What should I test for and when should I expect to see those levels and at what time in the 6 hour cycle should I see them? I would also like to make more efficient use of the Phosphate option, if it could help curb my Ferric Oxide use.

Sorry if I'm not conveying my question articulately enough, it's starting to confuse me too :)
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I have now successfully scheduled my chamber to flush 3 times a day with zero nitrates but I have questions.
Have you noticed a change in your corals? I have a couple of soft corals and noticed that to polyps are not extending. Also, my anemone has been moving around my tank quite a bit. It is now stuck on the front panel of my tank. Matt have you seen something similar in your tank?
Another observation... My filter floss is almost instantly consumed by the bacteria I would assume. Does this happen to you? And will it stay this way? I am currently having to change the filter floss after each chamber flush. I have changed the return of the chamber to dump right on top of my skimmer pumps but it doesn't help.
Looked at the pictures you sent me and it looks healthy. ....the corals range from time to time with polyps ....whats your alk at
Another observation... My filter floss is almost instantly consumed by the bacteria I would assume.Thoughts?

Have you been observing the flushes? Are there visible strands of bacteria washing out with each flush? Do you have weirs to control that? There should not be any signs of bacteria strands (white web-like stuff) in your sump.