DIY Natureef Style Denitrator Build and Data thread...

Here is how mine is progressing.
Is there any place that is selling these other than Natureef(fiven I think they are over priced since I already have dosers, pumps and an Apex)? What I mean is anyone selling just the acrylic "box" part? I'm not very good at acrylic but have crazy nitrate issues and I think this will help. I actually reached out to Lifereef and it looks like they use to make them. Would one of these work?


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doesnt have to be an acrylic box. You could use a rubbermaid trash can with uniseals. It just needs to hold water ;)
mrx66699 & Dr T i want to thank you guys for sharing all your research an experience with us.
I have been fallowing the DIY build from the beginning and i am super exited to start my own.
My questions are

How is the phosphate reduction chamber incorporated to the DIY natureef style system?

How is the extra chamber filled & when in the denitration proses do you dose?

Is it necessary to clean the extra chamber of any precipitate? if so how often?

any help would be greatly appreciated.
Only 1 shared chamber for nitrate and phophate removal. The chamber does need cleaned with a net periodically to keep overgrowth at bay.
The original Natureef system doses strontium nitrate(phosphagone) and methanol (nitragone) together, but the methanol dose is usually larger/longer.
I think DrT doses strontium a couple hours after the methanol, because he has found that phosphates get eaten up after the nitrate has already been removed.
Is there any one who is cleaning there reactor of exes bacteria? I would be more then glad to take it & pay for the shipping. If so please send me a P message
Very informative thread, thank you for sharing valuable experiences. I was looking for a safe and reliable way of lowering nitrates. Currently experimenting with seachems denitrate in a diy reactor, but your method looks more promising. Although I read entire thread, there are still points waiting to fully clarified. Since english is not my native, I just cannot be sure if the term "flush" means emptying the box first then refill with dirty water from aquarium, or, feed nitrate free water to aquarium and pump dirty water into container same time.
Another question is, when nitrates reach to zero in container, what happens if we do not empty it in right time or dont feed it with methanol? (Electricity failure scenario) I think bacteria will start dying and leeching nitrates and/or nitrites back to water in container...?

Finally, Is there any obvious advantage of using methanol, over ethanol?

I would rather not have to DIY a container, but don't need the whole system, since I already have an Apex and can add an Apex DOS (for a lot less money than the Natureef system) to do the dosing. It doesn't look like the container is sold alone, though, so I may have to go the DIY route anyway. The official Natureef containers have a "phosphate option", at an additional cost of $150. What exactly does this include?
Do I need to seed the reactor with existing bacteria or will it eventually develop on its own? What is the bacteria being used to metabolize the nitrates?
