RocketEngineer: I'm planning on building a stand for a peninsula style tank. If I use 2x6 for the top frame, can I have a vertical support about 1/3 of the way across versus right in the middle? Reason being as my sump will be about 40-44" and want to be able to take it out if I ever need to and to have more open space to access the sump. Also for the bottom frame instead of using support beams to prevent flexing/twisting can I a piece plywood screwed to the bottom of frame? I'm hoping this will create a mini pool once lined in case my sump overflows or there is a minor leak. Here are the tank dimensions;
Tank: 60"(l)x30"(w)x26"(h)
Stand Height: 40-42"
Thanks for your help.
Tank: 60"(l)x30"(w)x26"(h)
Stand Height: 40-42"
Thanks for your help.