DIY Stands Template and Calculator

2x6 for top frame rest is 2x4,
You can add if after, but I would use screws (watch vibrations) not sure what hammering would do to the tank
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Is the stand level? I would check that first. Check front, back left and right sides and then check the diagonals. If not then level it and try again. If it is level then the tank is warped. I am inclined to think unwarping it would be best, but then the is more stress so I am not really sure. Check the stand and get back to us.
72X36X31 Planted tank stand

72X36X31 Planted tank stand

Using the design from the first post and then reading the entire thread over the past week, I have answered most of my build questions, but I have a few remaining.

If I am building an all glass tank with no frame, I have to put plywood and foam on top of the frame correct?

Can I use 2X6's for my top frame (added 2 extra support legs across the front and back) and span the 3' on the sides with no extra support in the middle for a 300 gallon tank or should I stick with 2X8's?

Also, I want to keep the stand as short as possible but still have room for 13" tall sump on top of plywood and foam. 28" tall stand with 2X6's gives me ~5 inches above my sump. I am not worried about having to use a step stool, I want easy access and plenty of room for plumbing. How much room do you typically leave above your sump?

Here is what I came up with. Yes, I intend on putting in green nailing strips but I haven't quite figured out how to do a whole lot with Sketchup yet.

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Two questions:
1. Will a 2x6 hold a 180g 72x24x24 with a center brace ok?
2. Are there any problems with a 40" high stand for a 180g? Will it be tipsy or anything?
Two questions:
1. Will a 2x6 hold a 180g 72x24x24 with a center brace ok?
2. Are there any problems with a 40" high stand for a 180g? Will it be tipsy or anything?
I just finished my stand and added a few additional supports.





Also added these inserts for additional bracing.
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Quick question just to double check, is it ok to fill up my 240g tank on he stand I build above without using plywood at all? It feels super solid as is.
Built one just like that for my 150, even looks like the same stain....only problem I have are 2 hairline gaps between tank frame (plastic) and stand top frame. Only way I know is I shine light along contact point and look for light to shine through. I see faint light in two areas 1-2" long each, probably 1/16th or less. Will this be settle space without cracking tank?