Thanks Sahin....I'll try to keep up with eye candy.Darryl: those corals and especially the colours are to die for! :thumbsup: I am subscribed to your thread and whenever I get an email notofication that you have replied with photos...I just know I'll be seeing some sweet eye candy!
Keep up the excellent work! :spin1:
Yup....Tusk is doing great from day one. Very nice fish....not all that aggressive towards other fish at all. I dont have any shrimps those would be lunch.....I do have snails....turbos and astreas...that are managing to stay away from the tusk.Hey Darryl,
Do you still have your tusk? I agree with sahin... Amazing colors by the way!
Thanks...your welcome to stop by anytime Vlad.Great stuff D. Glad that undata is lapping itself. A true sign of its maturity.
One of these months I will stop by to see it all in person.
Ya...he is an awesome fish. Here is a pic...That's awesome.. Had one in my first reef.. Loved him!
nice what a great job!!!!!!!
I had to backtrack on the thread, well done!
Thanks fella'sHi,
Your tank Reef is so beautiful!!! Congratulations a thousand times... :thumbsup:
Your shots are inspiring and Acropora ORA PEARLBERRY is magnificent.
Best Regards!
Ya...he is an awesome fish. Here is a pic...
I have been thinking about steppin up the game and adding an angel or two......yikes. IDK....still on the fence about it. I would love one but not sure if Im willing to take the risk. If I don't do that I may try another tang, maybe an achilles....maybe got a shot at buying one from someones aquarium...healthy. Also like the male square spot anthias.
Thanks Guys.
A few more pics....
Green w/ yellow tip torch
A new aquisition. Im hoping it colors up more...seems similar to jedimind trick. It has red polyps,green body and blue rim. Not sure what species montipora it is though.
And the a new FTS from tonight....sorry but the spot of cyano..didnt clean up before the shot.
I agree Jon....really don't know if the risk of adding an angel is going to be worth it for me. I just get so jealous seeing pictures of SPS tanks with nice angels in them though. I had a bad coral beauty once though......and it turned me off for a while but I was getting the urge to add a regal or emperor.......but probably not. I'm not much of a gambler.
As far as the achiles....I didnt want to bring up any bad memories Jon. I know you gave it a try.....perhaps it was cyanide caught or something. I will only try it if I score this healthy one that is already in a captive aquarium. Any thoughts on me trying a large male square spot anthia's.
My tusk is indo...not aussie. I can't tell the difference when I see them in the stores really.
And last but not least my A.SARMENTOSA. Got this guy from Aussie and it has done really well. I'm thinking about giving it a fancy name...haha. What do you guys think about Strawberry Fields Sarmentosa?
DEC 2010
JUNE 2011