Ed Reef's '295-gallon Peninsular ZEOVit SPS tank'

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Love your golden butterfly Ed!!! Thats one really nice fish i would love to get in my reef! How is yours doing?

BTW, your clam is freaking nice! Love it!
Tank is doing awsome man! :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13490724#post13490724 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ooja3k
I was going to say it should be a quick turnaround with Ecotech, but I forgot your quite a ways away from us here... ;)

Yeah unfortunately - their Asia EcoTech website also seem to be done over the weekend :(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13490730#post13490730 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
You should move to the U.S. ;)

WHAT....?? and forgo the good life I get here?? :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13490744#post13490744 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy
love that hawkfish

Thanks Nick - might not be for u rimless/ shallow tank as he is a known surfer... :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13490778#post13490778 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by i2ik
Love your golden butterfly Ed!!! Thats one really nice fish i would love to get in my reef! How is yours doing?

So far so good. He nips a little here and there on SPS based but no real harm to the SPS from what I can see..he is already eating pellets and brine shrimps so hopefully he will learn quickly how tasteless those SPS polyps are

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13490778#post13490778 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by i2ik
BTW, your clam is freaking nice! Love it!
Tank is doing awsome man! :)

Thanks - can't wait for your update pictures and new aquascape Richard


Now, this is what’s called ‘kicking off to a good month’

Guess what was waiting for me in the LFS?? YES……..Kleinii Butterfly (Chaetodon kleinii)



Apparently this fish is easily available here as it’s from the South China Sea so plenty of local reefers keep them. I show my LFS a picture of Chaetodon kleinii before I left for my trip and they manage to find one for me and much cheaper too compare to the tinker. I’m glad I waited for her (hopefully I won’t regret this decision :rolleye1:)


My other 2 butterflies are all eating well and swimming out in the open. The Pyramid don’t swim much, more like floating around (which remind me I want to get another two so that they school) and the Golden Masked thinks he is a Tang and is always swimming from one end to the other of the tank with his new best friend - Yellow Tang.

So far only the Klienni and Golden Masked tries to nip a little at my corals base but no serious harm so far from what I can see… not sure if it’s just a curiosity checking out the tank, picking on algae or will be a problem in the future?

Most of my corals are showing good PE but guess time will tell. Hope they will welcome this new member into their community.

Once I compete my collection of butterflies, I will move on to the other fishes on my stocking list.…

:D :D :D


Highlighted in Blue already available

- Yellow Tang
- Pallet tang (Regal Tang)

- Archilles’ Tang

Most probably the last fish I add.

- Niger Trigger

- Blue Cheek Trigger

Saw a healthy 4” male at the LFS but wanted to wait a week or two as I just added so many LS

- Golden Dwarf Angel
- Flame Dwarf Angel

- Peppermint angelfish (if one day I strike oil in my back yard and at the same time find one eating)
- Japanese Angelfish (if one day I strike oil in my back yard and at the same time find one eating)

As it's highly unlikely for the above :p , I need recommendation for another Pygmy angel â€"œ any suggestions?

- Regal Angel (Royal Angel) or Bluegridled Angel (Majestic) or Emperor or Blueface Angel or Goldflake Angel or Scibble Angel

I want 1 large angels in my collection but will depends what I can find as most importantly they are healthy and preferably eating already :D

- Pyramid Butterfly
- Golden Masked butterfly
- Kleinii butterfly

Still need to get 2 more Pyramid Butterfly so hopefully my LFS can find for me soon!!

- True Pecula Clown x 2
- Picasso Clown or Black Saddleback Clown x 2

These will depends on the type of Anemone I get eventually… might eventually do with 4 True Pecula if I decided on a Carpet.

- Purple firefish x 3

- Long Nose Hawk

- Randell Anthias

- Squarespot Anthias x 5
- Bartlett’s or Randell Anthias x 4

- Rainbow Wrasse
- Leopard Wrasse
- Fairy Wrasse x 3 (depending what I can get)

I’m fairly new to wrasse so I guess it will depend what I can get or what wrasse catches my eyes in the LFS. Lost my Cortz Rainbow right before I went on my trip :mad2:

- Redstreaked Blenny OR Biocolor Blenny OR Seaweed Blenny

Any suggestion here guys?? I like a biocolor but heard he is mean bugger!!

FROG FISH - Red Frog Fish (Live in sump tank)

Left two damsel for him before I left for my trip and now both is gone!! Will feed it weekly

- Masked Rabbitfish â€"œ current in my sump â€"œ will go back to LFS this weekend

Love those butterflies you got!
I have a bellus angel and its by far my favorite dwarf angel! I am looking into a Flame angel as my next dwarf or multicolor angel if i can get my hand on one :P
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13500927#post13500927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by i2ik
Love those butterflies you got!
I have a bellus angel and its by far my favorite dwarf angel! I am looking into a Flame angel as my next dwarf or multicolor angel if i can get my hand on one :P

Thanks Richard. Are you looking at adding butterflies into your tank one day??
Of course! :) I really like butterflies! I presently have a copperband and a burgees.
I just ordered a pair of Declivis butterfly that should arrived thursday... i will put them in my QT tank to see if they are safe to be around corals...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13505229#post13505229 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by i2ik
Of course! :) I really like butterflies! I presently have a copperband and a burgees.
I just ordered a pair of Declivis butterfly that should arrived thursday... i will put them in my QT tank to see if they are safe to be around corals...

Oooo...I love Declivis butterfly. Let me know how it works out as I might just included it into my listing... :p


Today I finally send out my non-working MP40w out for service. Good thing is they have a service center in HK so it’s much nearer for me. :thumbsup: for EcoTech Marine Customer Service…

I got my electrician to recheck all my wiring again to ensure there is no stray voltage or surge that causes all this mishaps and all seem fine.

As I seem to be curse with pumps, I’m not going to take any more chances and instead going to stock up spares of MP40w and Streams….

So the repair MP40w will be used as a spare and I’m also on the wait list for the new Gen2 Tunze Stream 6105 â€"œ YES, 2 units of these bad boys and I also order another unit of MP40w, which should arrive in 10 days time.…!!

To hold me over till then, I order two of these local Resun Wavemaker pumps, which are actually quite reliable (but butt ugly and I don’t think the flow is as much as advertise!)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13500927#post13500927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by i2ik
Love those butterflies you got!
I have a bellus angel and its by far my favorite dwarf angel! I am looking into a Flame angel as my next dwarf or multicolor angel if i can get my hand on one :P

Not to be obnoxious,

But Bellus angels are Genicanthus angels, not dwarf angels. They are very pretty though.

Thanks Nick, I thought the genicanthus family was a branch of the dwarf angels :)
multicolor = multibarred pygmy angel, i got confused between both... :P
Actually their different altogether...

Genicanthus angels are planktivores and are considered the most reef safe angel because of that, but they need to be fed as often as anthias and fairy/flasher wrasses because of that.

The Dwarf angels and Pygmy angels belong to the Centropyge and Paracentropyge families....Centropyge for pygmy and most dwarf angels, (IE Flame, Multicolored and flame back, and Cherub), and Paracentropyge for the Multibarred, Venustus, and Boyle's/Peppermint angels...

FWIW, I didnt even realize that Genicanthus angels were angelfish until a few years ago...



Since there is not much review on butterflies in a Reef, thought I would do an observation list and update it as frequent as I can for those who are interested to try.

Who knows, could be a new trend of Angels and Butterflies instead of the usual Tangs in Reef tanks!!

Disclaimer: I’m not a butterfly fish expert but basically just jolting notes based on my observations as from what I read about them, they should not be any more riskier than putting an angel in a reef but yet we don’t see many (if any) reef tanks with butterflies in there.


Scientific name: Chaetodon Kleinni
Common Name: Orange Butterfly, Black Lip Butterfly, Klein Butterfly, Sunburst Butterfly, Orange Butterfly

Diet: Carnivorous â€"œ eat variety of chopped foods (meats & veggies), benthic invertebrates and algae

An additional bonus, they are also known to take out aiptasia and manjano!

Mr. Kleinii is already out and about even on the 1st day. This guy have no fear…I must say amongst the 3 butterflies I got, he is the most aggressive in competing for food, which is odd as he is supposed to be the most peaceful and shy from my research!

Only been in my tank for two days and I already notice someone been pecking at my Lobophyllia and my biggest suspect is Mr. kleinii here as it was fine before he got into the tank….

I’m OK if the damage is limited to my Lobophyllia (as I know it will be a matter of time with my choices of fishes â€"œ wrasse, triggers, angels, butterflies) and not my SPS :lol:

Will be keeping a close eye on him thou’!! At this moment I would rate him not safe with meaty LPS and could be a potential trouble maker for SPS polyps


Scientific name: Chaetodon Semilarvatus
Common Name: Golden Masked Butterfly; Blue-cheeked Butterfly; Addis Butterfly Fish

Diet: Carnivorous â€"œ Algae, flying insects and some small fish in the wild. So far feeding well on pellets and brine shrimps

An additional bonus, they are also known to take out aiptasia and manjano!

Mr. Golden Masked is semi aggressive and can be seen picking on the base of the frag plugs and occasionally he will pick on my SPS PE but no visible damage so far.

Took him two days to settle into the tank before he started eating frozen brine shrimps. He and my Yellow Tang seem to be best of friends as they occasionally school together…could be due to the similar body shape and color….hahaha

So far quite well behaved (except for the occasionally PE tasting) being 2 weeks old in my reef tank. He shows no interest in softies and LPS so far. No aggression between the 2 Chaetodon species as they simply ignore each other…not even a simply “hello”

At this moment I would rate him quite safe with meaty LPS but have to keep a close watch with SPS polyps! Hopefully once he realize there are more tasty food around for him, he will stay away from my tasteless corals polyps :D


Scientific name: Hemitauricthys polylepis
Common Name: Yellow Pyramid Butterfly, Zoster Butterfly, Yellow Zoster Butterfly

Diet: Carnivorous - will accept most foods offered, including finely chopped seafood, frozen or live brine shrimp, frozen preparations and even flake food. So far feeding well on pellets and brine shrimps

Mr. Pyramid is very shy/timid and is a model citizen by far. Took him a few days to settle into my tank and now already eating frozen brine shrimps…. he is hovering above the mid-level of the tank mostly and don’t swim much.

Definitely the less aggressive butterfly species. So far has shown no interest at all in softies, LPS and SPS….he will occasionally pick on LR but will not even go close to any corals…

I would rate it as the most reef safe butterfly, even safer than a Copperband! I can see why he is in high demand in most LFS.

From my research, this species are also most likely to school so I’m planning to get 2 more Pyramids and hopefully the three of them will school.

Hopefully all butterflies will continue to do well and behaved. I know it’s not easy to get them acclimatized and eating in a tank and so far, I’ve been lucky. In fact, they seem to settle-in much faster compare to large angels, which usually takes about 10 to 14 days before I can usually get them to eat and swimming out in the open. The reason for this could also be that I took them from establish tanks :smokin:

Most butterflies from the Chaetodon family are less risky (IMO similar risk as keeping pygmy or large Angels in reef tank), compare to other type butterflies family and are known algae eater (like Surgeonfish/Tang family) but like all fishes, each is an individual personality.

Some butterfly species do fight but so far no aggression between these 3 butterflies species observed so far.

My softies, 3 x Tridacna Clams, 2 x Cleaner shrimps, Coco worms are so far fine but my feather duster now only comes out at night after the lights are off for food. :lol: My acans are also left untouched.

Will do another review in a month’s time to see how well they and my corals are doing, especially SPS PE :lol:
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