Did a 10% WC and this week’s water parameters updates:
➢ Temperature â€"œ 27.0 degree C (light on)
➢ Salinity â€"œ 1.026
➢ Ph â€"œ 8.25 (Light on)
➢ NO3 â€"œ 0.2 (Salifert â€"œ same as last week)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0 (Salifert â€"œuntraceable)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.045 (D&D PO4 â€"œ same as last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 9 (API test kit â€"œ down from last week 10.5)
➢ dKH â€"œ 9.5 (Elos test kit â€"œ down from last week 11)
➢ Ca â€"œ 440 (Salifert test kit â€"œ same as last week)
➢ Ca â€"œ 420 (Elos test kit â€"œ same as last week)
➢ Mg â€"œ 1470 (Salifert test kit - up from last week 1410)
➢ Mg â€"œ 1450 (Elos test kit â€"œ up from last week 1350)
➢ Potassium â€"œ380 (stable)
NO3/ PO4
- Don’t know why it does not come down further from this…been holding this parameters for over 6 weeks already
- Finally coming down after toning down my Ca Rx but will have to watch the params as I don’t want it to drop too fast
- My Ca params is stable. At least now my Ca and dKH is inline.
- Don’t know why my Mg raised?
This week, I will continue to reduce the output of my Ca Rx to bring down my dKH, Ca and Mg accordingly. :rollface: