

In Memoriam
so my dad and I were hooking up vents into the attick from the hot spots on my tank and after we were done we noticed the bulkhead from the fragtank leaking slowly...I think we bumped it. So i had to pull out all the frags from the half of my fragtank(for anyone who has seen my tank you'll understand more!) to dive in and tighten that thing down. after the fragswap I'm going to be changing it up a little. but the moral of the story is...when you're done with one project you're only starting another!!!
Glad you fixed it. I remember when you told me a snail went down the drain of your frag tank and you woke up to an overflowing tank!

If you need any help give me a call.

Good thing you noticed the leak.

Like others have said - better now than at 3 AM when you wake up to take a leak (damn - can't even say **** here) and you step in water on the floor.
its just really simple...basically I connected 4" dryer hose over one of the fans blowing out of my canopy and that goes up into the attick, and then I also made a steel box to fit over the exhaust of my chiller which goes into the 4" tube and goes up into the attick.

Anyone that's been in my room knows that when you go from the hallway to my room it's like a 10 degree difference. This way I'm hoping to take most of the heat out into the attick! I'm also planning on running an inline duct booster at the end to help "suck" the hot air up into the attick kinda like a turbo on a car.

I'll take a pic later if I've got time.