Finding Dory Petition to educate the audience


New member
I'm not even sure how to go about doing this but I think it would be a good thing if we can somehow get "œvirtual" signatures together to produce a petition that can be delivered to the makers of the new film "œFinding Dory". I believe that it would be a wonderful thing if at the beginning or end of the movie they would give a 10 second clip on educating the audience on keeping these fish as pets. Once this movie comes out you know all fish stores are going to sell out quickly of the Hippo and Yellow tang along with the Clown. People who don't understand the hobby will buy a Dory that is only an inch long and put it in a 10 or 20 gallon tank and thing everything is okay without realizing just how big these fish get. The clown is not so much of a problem but most definitely the tangs. Even if they just said something quickly such as "œIf you plan to have Dory and Bubbles as pets please educate yourself before purchasing and only put these fish in their recommended tank sizes". I think something as simple as that would go a long way.

I recently purchased a 72 gallon tank in December that was already existing and had a full setup. It included 2 fish, a hippo tang and yellow tang and being that I was new to the hobby I didn't realize that the tank itself is incredibly too small for these fish and soon I will be wondering what to do with them.

I have been listening to a lot of the "œReef Threads" lately ( and there has been a lot of talk on this subject. I just figured maybe we can try to do something and educate people because no matter what, most LFS will allow the transaction to take place. Maybe we can get the folks from Reef Threads to get on board with this as well and mention it on the show.

If you are on board with this then why don't we use this thread to collaborate on how to best tackle this situation and after just start a clean thread and have the actual petition? Or simply state that you want signed up.

I'm not here to start a big debate, be negative, or argue. I think this is a legitimate concern, Hawaii is already having a problem with their reefs where the yellow tang is being over fished which is allowing algae to form on all the coral. The problem is that the yellow tang usually cleans up those coral and takes care of the algae.

This thread would be best suited in the "Responsible Fish Keeping" forum but it doesn't look it that area gets much attention. If a moderator feels the need to move this thread then go ahead.
Maybe the studios should build a cute character out if a Yellow Clown Goby. "Cecil the Clown" or something. That way the LFSs could pump out inexpensive nano tanks with a better chance of success.

Seriously, LFSs played a role in the clown mania a few years ago. Hopefully more of them step up & be responsible.
Finding Dory?

I think they should include a mental health warning at the BEGINNING of the movie!
OP, your heart is the right place, but I don't think it would make much difference either way. People are going to buy what they are going to buy. The responsibility really comes down to the LFS owners. If anything, that's where a sign or something needs to be placed. Not the in the movie.
With you being new would you answer the following:

Did you research the husbandry requirements of the fish before purchasing?

Without your new knowledge would a 30-second information blip have influenced your purchase?
With you being new would you answer the following:

Did you research the husbandry requirements of the fish before purchasing?

Without your new knowledge would a 30-second information blip have influenced your purchase?

7 years ago I had a successful 29 gallon salt tank that had a few of the smaller fish in it that lasted less than a year because I had to move and never set it back up. So i went into this hobby with some knowledge of knowing what i was getting myself into. I knew how to set up and maintain a tank but I did not know how big these tangs get. So at the time it did not occur to me to do more research even more so since the fish were already in the tank and assumed that because the previous owner had them that everything was good. I consider myself new to the hobby because of this very reason and there is still a ton to learn.

Without my new knowledge and after hearing a 30-second informational blip it would have influenced me to do additional research on my own time and at that point i more than likely would not have made the purchase. That's just how I am, i'm trying to do the right things and teach my kids the same. I have 4 little ones and the oldest is really learning a lot from this tank. I can teach her the science and biology associated with it and also ethics and a great example is what we are talking about. I can take her into a fish store and when she says she wants that pretty queen angle i can tell her no because our tank is too small and explain the other reasons as well.
Honestly, sometimes I feel like the people selling the fish in this hobby should be the ones informing people.
I know it would be difficult considering they're selling fish every day and they can't keep making sure every customer knows what they're doing but I remember going into my LFS the first time and the guy selling the fish was almost interrogating me with questions I thought were pretty stupid.
"Your tank is saltwater right?"
"You cycled it properly? Are you sure?"
"This fish needs this amount of space you sure you have that?"

I thought it was a little rude at first but then during a conversation later on after becoming a regular etc he explained that people come in thinking they can fill a tank with tap water and stick clownfish in there. (I was still a little offended :p) but at the time I was new to that LFS and I noticed them doing it with other new customers. I realised it probably made a world of difference.

If LFS' could just make a little effort on that at the very least with new customers, that I think would make some difference. I've noticed a lot of fish shops will even give me false information just to sell a fish or coral. I just nope my way right out of there.
IMHO I doubt a petition for finding dory to put an informational ad/disclaimer? will go very far for a lot of reasons.

P.S If you're really set on a petition for finding dory and your main idea doesn't work out, maybe try for an information clip in the "extras" that they usually do on the DVD's.
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Diana, thanks for your post, that's a great idea. I even thought of something else, you know when you get a new DVD they always come with those loose pieces of paper such as advertisements and whatnot behind the cover? Maybe a informative document could be part of that.

And your right, this is going to be extremely difficult to do but the problem with the world today is that everyone likes to ***** and moan about issues but are too lazy to do anything about it. Can't fix the problem if you don't try.
i'm on board!!!!...........

maybe PETA has a petition, however i'm sure their petition involves eliminating the hobby entirely......maybe we should skip the petition????:sad2:
It would be even better if their short was about someone doing exactly what you are trying say not to do and the end result. There is no way the short could be as boring as a few recent ones and it would help get the message across to the CHILD just as much, not just the adult. Those shorts every kid is watching because they are ready for something, anything to start. I know my kid would stop me in my tracks of placing a "Dory" in a nano tank after watching a short before the movie! (obviously if I was a person that did not understand the needs of said fish)

I think it is a slim to none chance here that you will get the message to the proper Disney person BUT crazier things have happened! I mean, we were refunded for a blanket we purchased at their resort after the front desk failed to bring us one two days in a row... and that was only an email suggesting they place another blanket in their Art of Animation suites from one person... enough people saying they agree might get the ball rolling on this.
i'm on board!!!!...........

maybe PETA has a petition, however i'm sure their petition involves eliminating the hobby entirely......maybe we should skip the petition????:sad2:

Yeah we might want to leave PETA out of this of they will round all our livestock up and throw it in a lake of freshwater thinking they are "freeing" them
To be honest I believe the vast majority of folks that run out and set up a tank for the kid after seeing the movie are doomed anyway. It would not matter what was put in.
It comes down to personal responsibility.
That is up to you and you alone.
Why are we still blaming the world for our own I'll decisions ?
My dog is my other hobby...hence the profile picture. Getting a dog from a reputable breeder is harder than working for the CIA. They want full written reports of your yard, your house, experience caring for dog's, interview, home visit (the list goes on lol)...just to get on the wait list!

I could go down the LFS and purchase a Mandarin without any push back. There is a long way to go in the saltwater fish hobby if we want to protect these animals from poor situations. Unfortunately, I don't think we will get there. To many they are just "fish". To those of us on the forum I am sure they are a bit more than that. However, we are the minority in this case.
NYKnicks, you make an excellent point. Although I don't breed anymore, I showed and bred a relatively lesser known breed in the US and I had a 2 year wait list for puppies, for the few people I trusted after getting their application and speaking to their vets and neighbors. All of us in the national club would do home checks for prospective puppy owners near us. I am lucky to have a LFS nearby that has responsible owners who ask about tank size, other inhabitants, etc. when you inquire about a fish, but they are relying of course on the honesty of their customers - home checks haven't yet become de rigeur for selling fish ;-).

I worried, too, as the OP did, when I saw the ad for Dory. Responsible dog breeders shudder when a movie is made about a breed - Dalmatians and Chihuahuas were nearly ruined by puppy millers and backyard breeders after films with those dogs. It is appalling how many people think of animals, fish, birds, what have you as "buy on a whim cause you can always just get rid of it" items.
It is sickening to read of mandarins starving, etc. because LFS, online vendors and purchasers just see them as replaceable objects.

Kudos to Pali, the OP, for caring.
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My dog is my other hobby...hence the profile picture. Getting a dog from a reputable breeder is harder than working for the CIA. They want full written reports of your yard, your house, experience caring for dog's, interview, home visit (the list goes on lol)...just to get on the wait list!

I could go down the LFS and purchase a Mandarin without any push back. There is a long way to go in the saltwater fish hobby if we want to protect these animals from poor situations. Unfortunately, I don't think we will get there. To many they are just "fish". To those of us on the forum I am sure they are a bit more than that. However, we are the minority in this case.
This is just the sad truth... Many people think that they are just fish, and if they die just buy a new one.

Some people even wondered how I made my reef tank last for months without any deaths from corals and fishes. And when my tank crashed due to an accident my parents scolded me for crying on something not worth to cry about. For me fishes are living things that deserve to have a comfortable life even though some are cheaper than the others.

I've seen people on the lfs buying 7 clowns just to be housed on a 2.5 gal plus stocking a few more blue damsels so "nemos" will have "dory" friends.there are some fully setup reef tank for sale that is truly bad. They plopped gonis, galaxeas, torches and bubble corals together in a small 2,5 gal and fill it with 6 juvy clowns and 2 juvy damsels. The only filter is a hob filter with foam that is suited for freshwater.
I'd think a clip before or after would just act as a reminder to people that having them as pets is an option. they would ignore the actual educational message about it.
Yeah we might want to leave PETA out of this of they will round all our livestock up and throw it in a lake of freshwater thinking they are "freeing" them

Sadly, that wouldn't surprise me one bit. Those guys are not known for their intelligence, just their "big hearts" that cause a ton of trouble.
It's not about if they want a Dory or not, It's about their kids not leaving them alone and we all know its easier to cave then stand strong sometimes. The only positive I see to this film will be A. Another movie for me to watch with my 2 year old daughter and B. Hopefully more captive breeding of tangs such as the Hippo