Here yee, here yee - LIRA's New Mtg Location

Welcome to our Friday meeting. The meeting room will be ready by 5pm; however, we always have some other rooms where you can sit down comfortably if you arrive early.
Once again, our kitchen and refrigerator have “all you can eat” bagel, bread, cream cheese, coffee, milk, banana, apple and cup of noodle; you are also welcome to bring food to share with members. There are 2 refrigerators in the building, the big one in the warehouse is for our staff’s personal food, and the white one in the kitchen opens to guests like LIRA members, please feel free to help yourself.
There will be 3 new tanks (One 215G and two 92G corner bowfront) half filled with salt water and over 600 Lbs. of live rocks for anyone who interests in aqua-scaping to practice their skills, or share their opinions. I am contacting Joe if he or the other experts can arrive by 5pm and give us some demonstrations.
Looking forward to seeing you.
I have to attend a meeting soon. I am like a loner in the reef hobby. I have not one friend that cares about it besides saying that tank is awesome and my wife could care less.

It would be nice to meet people that love the hobby and have knowledge that I could use.

Cool I might stop by. I am in East Northport on the Commack border so it's a couple fo minutes away. I will prob come alone since I have no frinds in the reef hobby, if that is ok of course.

I would love to attend the meetings, but they are just too far away for us here on the East End. I cant really justify over an hour trip out there. I might attend the NERAC at Atlantis in March (I think its March?) hopefully.
Pictures of LIRA Monthly Meeting Place

Pictures of LIRA Monthly Meeting Place

You will see the sign "Dickens" and No. 75.

Please park your car and enter from the side door as shown on the right of this picture.

You will see the light from the following tanks at the center while you pass by the building from Austin Blvd.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14316911#post14316911 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Beaun
I would love to attend the meetings, but they are just too far away for us here on the East End. I cant really justify over an hour trip out there. I might attend the NERAC at Atlantis in March (I think its March?) hopefully.

There's a few of us on the east end, both forks and even Shelter Island that regularly show up at meetings. I leave from work (Stony Brook), so it's easy for me, but even before the current job I used to make the haul from the North Fork. You might be able to track down some other east enders and car pool to make it easier.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14319444#post14319444 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by billsreef
There's a few of us on the east end, both forks and even Shelter Island that regularly show up at meetings. I leave from work (Stony Brook), so it's easy for me, but even before the current job I used to make the haul from the North Fork. You might be able to track down some other east enders and car pool to make it easier.

I know my wife will not want to go, but I will see if I can rope my brother into coming with me.
Thanks I Just met James the one who hosts the meetings he bought a fish off me ... so I promised I would attend
Hey Bill, I have to go to one of these things before I croak. I was at one of your meetings a couple of years ago. I met you there.
Do you guys throw rocks at people with RUGFs?
Fridays are tough but one of these months I want to make it.
We don't throw rocks, we just make you drink skimmate (because of the irony). But as long as you have one of Bill's brews to wash it down, it's all good.
