Hey guys! Moving to Miami in November!

gemini aquarius(t)

Always Learning
Just wanted to poke my head in and say hello! Im Xavier, and I will be there in early Nov. I am currently in the process of shutting down my 180 reef and the 60 gallon cube I was just got water in haha... funny how things work.

Anyway, hope to meet you all soon!
Glad to see you saw my link to our local RC.
Again, welcome to SoFlo.
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Hey! Join FMAS, and you will be just in time for our holiday party! Super fun... and tasty!

Couldn't agree more! Gail did an amazing job organizing it last year, & the food is excellent! I still think about the hog Josh made last year, I think Marke got it the day before while hunting, but I could be wrong. Either way, it was incredible & can't wait to have some more. Hopefully I can get the recipe from him because I still talk about how good that was to my friends.
dude I know you from the SoCal Reefers forum.I lived in LA, but saw your postings on the boards there. Welcome to Miami. The reefers here are really nice and willing to help you out. If you need help setting your tank back up from the move lmk
Congrats on the big move.. Welcome to FMAS!!

Welcome Xavior. We have a good group of people here and a nice club.

Hey! Join FMAS, and you will be just in time for our holiday party! Super fun... and tasty!

Welcome to S. FL! Make sure you visit us again when you get settled.

Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I will definitely be attending some meetings when I get into town!

Glad to see you saw my link to our local RC.
Again, welcome to SoFlo.
Yes! Thank you, I was hoping for exactly this kind of help!

congrats on the move! Good luck and see you in November
Thanks! Its coming up really fast! Its kind of intimidating really haha

Couldn't agree more! Gail did an amazing job organizing it last year, & the food is excellent! I still think about the hog Josh made last year, I think Marke got it the day before while hunting, but I could be wrong. Either way, it was incredible & can't wait to have some more. Hopefully I can get the recipe from him because I still talk about how good that was to my friends.

That sounds amazing! Looking forward to it

Hey Xavier! Welcome!!


Welcome to Miami, weather is just going to start cooling down in time for your arrival

Perfect! Hopefully I will have time to adjust to the immense amount of sweating I plan to do down there!

dude I know you from the SoCal Reefers forum.I lived in LA, but saw your postings on the boards there. Welcome to Miami. The reefers here are really nice and willing to help you out. If you need help setting your tank back up from the move lmk

Hey, I remember you too!! Hows it going?! Small world we live in haha. I would definitely love to have some friends in the area to grab a drink with and discuss aquarium theories and what not!
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I will definitely be attending some meetings when I get into town!

Yes! Thank you, I was hoping for exactly this kind of help!

Thanks! Its coming up really fast! Its kind of intimidating really haha

That sounds amazing! Looking forward to it


Perfect! Hopefully I will have time to adjust to the immense amount of sweating I plan to do down there!

Hey, I remember you too!! Hows it going?! Small world we live in haha. I would definitely love to have some friends in the area to grab a drink with and discuss aquarium theories and what not!

Drinks?... somebody said Drinks????

Im sorry to inform you Xavior, i think im the only one here that drinks, or at least admits to it. :beer:
Hey guys! I have been here for 2 weeks or so, havent had much time post with getting settled in and all. When/Where is the next meeting? I met Richard, and I think I remember him saying it was the last tuesday of the month, correct?
hey buddy, it was nice meeting you!

Usually it's the fourth Tuesday of every month. However I think December will be on 10th(?) please don't quote me on it just yet. I will keep you and Charles updated though. ;)