Hey guys! Moving to Miami in November!

hey buddy, it was nice meeting you!

Usually it's the fourth Tuesday of every month. However I think December will be on 10th(?) please don't quote me on it just yet. I will keep you and Charles updated though. ;)
Great meeting you too! Just keep us updated, or Im sure someone will post something on the forums that I will find.

That explains the lousy weather of the last couple of weeks...


Haha hey, if anything I would be bringing a little Cali sunshine. Although the rain is kind of a nice change
Great meeting you too! Just keep us updated, or Im sure someone will post something on the forums that I will find.

that would be me or Marvin lol. I will just call you instead for a for sure heads up.

Haha hey, if anything I would be bringing a little Cali sunshine. Although the rain is kind of a nice change

remember to keep your hazard light on. ;)
I am curious. Since I am newb to saltwater and everything. How do you move large tanks or even small tanks to far distances without loss?

I am going to move to alabama in a couple years and I was just thinking I would have to break it down and sell it and rebuild.
I have a 540 and it could be moved if need be.....I would most likely sell everything not hardware related ......livestock as I have some very expensive fish I would prolly move them to a friends the week I left and then when I got setup at the new place I would have them shipped overnight to me ....thats just me .....but if you didnt mind selling livestock and re setting up of things then replacing live would be easy .....if you are moving to close like Alabama you could move everything and re setup when you got there in same 24hrs ......have a good plan, pack it all then move....if you had a moving truck and the room I would take a 55gal barrel with a nice sealed top and move the fish in it with an airstone running and that would be water from your setup that you could then use when you got there for a few days till you got setup ...buy new sand and just transfer a large amount of your water .....put the rocks in containers with water...really not as hard as it sounds....planning would be the key
I have a 540 and it could be moved if need be.....I would most likely sell everything not hardware related ......livestock as I have some very expensive fish I would prolly move them to a friends the week I left and then when I got setup at the new place I would have them shipped overnight to me ....thats just me .....but if you didnt mind selling livestock and re setting up of things then replacing live would be easy .....if you are moving to close like Alabama you could move everything and re setup when you got there in same 24hrs ......have a good plan, pack it all then move....if you had a moving truck and the room I would take a 55gal barrel with a nice sealed top and move the fish in it with an airstone running and that would be water from your setup that you could then use when you got there for a few days till you got setup ...buy new sand and just transfer a large amount of your water .....put the rocks in containers with water...really not as hard as it sounds....planning would be the key

+1. Moved my much smaller 90 years ago and did the same things fish in a brute Csn with water. Rock and corals in totes with water. Didn't loose anything that