1) This whole thread started about my concern about SPS Frag growth after 1 year. (If I could improve things with higher Calcium).
2) It then got a bit sidetracked about coral Pale Colors.
The the topic of Pale colors got into discussion about adding fish to increase nutrients to solve both Growth and Pale Colors.
However tonight when taking my regular photo of the tank, I decide to peek back through time. I jumped back 3 months.
Some frag were added, and some moved around, so I really wasn't paying attention to any particular frag. Just generally concerned that most were not growing fast enough.
Then I noticed one frag I didn't recognize, and realized that
it had been growing. Not bad for 3 months I think.
(( Even the color of the frag was fine as seen in first photo. But that could be since it may have been a new add. But 100% sure not the one above it))
This photo comparison below shows what I mean. (Center Frag)
QUESTION. If one frag is growing fine, then are chemical water conditions (Stability, Nutrients) good enough for rest of the SPS corals to grow?
I do track/log my SPS tank religiously. Everything (daily). Every test. Every water change, and every drop of anything added to the tank.
I have been dosing additives, feeding corals, and making lighting changes over this period of experimentation.
I'm going to go through my logs and pictures to get a better understanding, before I make any adjustments at this point. Including adding fish.
Maybe I do have a bunch of really slow growth corals, and also have a pale coral issue.
Sure NO3, PO3 had and is still 0.00 during this time. It could be related to changes in lighting. Not sure, till I check my logs.
Or maybe my frags are not properly placed wrt. to lighting requirements.
I had the right conditions around the month of Februrary. My memory isn't the greatest these days. However my logs and apex have good memory.
I'm doing to figure out what it was.
(My guess is I switch from manual weekly Alk/Calk adjustments, to AutoDosing).
Then I mucked things up with lighting changes. Possibly playing with additives on top. Since fish and nutrients didn't change.
Maybe if I'm really lucky. All I need to do is increase Photo Period and not even have to move corals around much.
Stay tuned. Going to start my history analysis.