Skimmer WebCam Update: (While we wait for the slow process of Nutrients Healing my SPS corals).
I know this thread started on the topic of Higher Calcium, related to my poor tank progress over many months.
It obviously has become kind of a Tank Thread, which has helped me greatly identify my poor nutrient issue.
I'll start up a proper tank thread at some point, but for now will continue to resolve my two other issues (
lighting, and
Nutrient Export via my skimmer), since I have some good knowledgeable folks providing me excellent advice here.
Again Many Thanks to everyone for steering me right. I simply can't believe the changes that are happening.
Even the paper white Digitatis SPS is showing pink color recover today. WOW, I thought is was near death!
I know with increasing nutrients and adding fish, my happy journey could become sourer with nutrient related issues like Algae & Cyano.
Even with my pure
increase to 2-3x higher feeding,
my Nitrate remains 0.1,
and Phosphate 0, so I think I do have a
good nutrient export setup.
So my next tackle is
my skimmer, which has been
unstable and
over skimming (Wet). I'm sure it's probably a factor contributing to my super low nutrient levels.
Not a problem in the long run (as nutrients go up), but I need to tune it properly.
As I mentioned it's WET skimming, inconsistently (EVEN AT LOWEST SETTING). Does nothings, then goes crazy while I'm not watching.
So I've been watching with my DOUBLE web Cam setup.
With my 10 Minute snapshots 24/7 over last few days as show below. I've been able to eliminate that it's not my Diamond Watch Goby, stirring up the sand.
What was really cools watching these Night Vision time lapses is how busy the clean up crew is during the night, and how much the snails cover.
So I added the Cheap clock in the background to see
if it happens at a certain time of day. Still waiting for more proof.
However what made it difficult to figure out, is the skimmer cup would fill up, bubbling out of control, returning waste back into the sump.
I couldn't tell when bursts stop, since skim cycles never completed with dumps into sump.
So today, I drilled a drain into the cup. I know from other threads it's dangerous to have a open drain.
Especially with my Auto Top up system, that is a 2 GAL reservoir, backed up by a endless RO supply. (yes I could limit this, but not the issue I want to solve).
Also, I do replace the large wet skim with equivalent fresh Salt water to maintain salinity.
So I had it drain into a bucket. However that bucket filled up quickly, and spilled on the floor. Glad I was around to stop that!!
So my current modified DRAIN setup is "The BUCKET" is in sump, so when it fills up, it will
spill back into sump, limiting the over skim.
This will allow me to watch longer periods, and be safe. While I tune my skimmer and sump setups (including Return pump valve, for flow).
Some pics below of SUMP compares for those that have advice to offer:
What conditions cause one skimmer to act unstable, while another not?.
- See below my two skimmers (exactly the same EuroReef).
- See below sump setups (almost exactly the same).
- My 65 Gal SPS tank which is over skimming has fish.
- My other 90 Gal LPS tank is fish free, but skims dry, with only corals feeding and clean up crew.
The primary big difference between the two TANKS is Return flow:
- 65 Gal SPS tank has a Mag 9.5 Pump at 3ft (740 Gal/Hr).
- 90 Gal LPS tank has a Mag 18 at 14ft (approx. 500 Gal/Hr)
Could that difference be the reason? ( I have a valve to trim return).
65 SPS TANK SUMP Setup (Unstable Skimmer)
90 LPS TANK SUMP Setup (Stable Skimmer)[~original/IMG]
[B]Could the tuning on this EuroReef Skimmer be super senstive, and I need to find the sweet spot? (I doubt it)[/B]
(Other EuroReef skimmer isn't like that). Both are cleaned properly, including pumps and venturi's.
[B][COLOR="Blue"]Anyone have any idea's or experience why a skimmer would sit skimming almost nothing, then have bursts certain times of day? [/COLOR][/B]
[B]I will end this post on one note of concern.[/B] I am concerned that if I change my over skimming of the past. That I might drastically increase the waste levels in my tank, and cause a bad algae problem. [U][B]So I should be careful, to adjust the WET skimming slowly[/B][/U], during this nutrient level increase that is doing wonders for my Starved SPS corals. Especially with a new fish coming out of quarantine in a few days.