Home Reef Videos..?

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hey melev I was just curiouse, what type of camera/video program to produce these videos?

THere truely amazing, the quality (and of course the music :D)

awsome videos man
cool man, keep up the great videos.

now I have to go find a way to afford one of them (impossible while setting up a reef ahah)
feeding my small grouper.

feeding my small grouper.

Just made a small clip with my Cannon powershot A75.
I need a tripod. :)
Yeah, Marc, that music is sooooo cool. I heard it as a mix on the first show of the Sopranos' third season and had to find out where I'd heard it before. Turns out to be the theme song from a tv show from 1958.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7845713#post7845713 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Got a new video for y'all, which was posted in my thread recently. It's big - 69 megs, so RIGHT CLICK and SAVE AS.

This video is how I caught Tucker, my Hippo Tang. It is recorded in real time, so you'll experience just how long it took to catch it. :lol: (It wasn't that bad, actually....)


Marc, that was hysterical!!!! And the tank looks so beautiful. So, Tucker IS still among the LIVING, right? Not one of them 'sent to the farm' stories to placate us kids?
:D No, it went to a 560g reef tank filled with tangs. However, a week later, I got a PM from the new owner asking for my fish trap, because it was eating his "green zoos." Imagine that?! Here are my Mean Greens as of yesterday.

Eventually when the scorching earth cools off, I should be able to share some from my brood stock via thermos shipments.
But I love empty promises! What would my life be without anger and resentment? I'd have nothing to complain about. :D

BTW, the line is already forming and from what I can see, there's 1-1/2 blocks worth in line already. :lol: Tailgate Parteeeee!!!
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