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What psi check valve should I be looking for and does anyone have a particular ss swagelok they like? Will the 43psi Burkert solenoid be enough or should I hunt for a higher psi rated one?
the handle stop when its lower bottom hitting the valve body/shoulder?
if it is the case, you can loose the handle, keep it straight and pull it out only a little bit, then tighten it, now you can turn the handle shut a little bit more, and the needle inside can reach down more to close the orifice. keep the same process until no bubble comes out when the handle stop at the valve shoulder.
I think he means if the shoulder bottoms out before seating inside you would loosen the nut on the handle & pull it up so it can be screwed in slightly more.
When you say loosen the handle, do you mean twist it counter clockwise and adjust the metering valve to fully open or use an Allen key to actually take apart the handle assembly?
allen key to loose the handle from the needle stem, not turn loose the handle
Well, after a couple of months of EBay hunting and reading through this thread several times, finally got all the parts I need and ready for assembly. I'm in stage one of the leak down test on the regulator. I managed to purchase everything for $220 shipped. I wired the solenoid myself, which turned out to be pretty easy and even had a power supply lying around from an old pump that was the right size. Hats off to all of the folks that contributed to this thread. It's been invaluable and I would never have attempted this without it.
Here are some parts pics and will post a finish pic when done.
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