if money wasnt an issue, what is the one fish you would get?

Copps- thanks for background of the new personatus...go to House of Fins all the time...nice to see them get it...I lived on Kauai for a full year...and only saw 2 Personatus- they were off Poipu...
It go for around 10k right? Be so nice in my new 700...

Very interesting! I stayed in Poipu at the Hyatt for a little while with my wife a couple of years ago... dove Kauai and did a trip to Niihau... was chasing Pseudanthias hawaiiensis deep with the divemaster yelling at me... At what depth did you see the personatus?

This one went for much more than 10k...

Unfortunately the two people that collected personatus on Kauai last year both got bent bad on their rebreathers... one died and one is paralyzed...

but bellina falls under protected list..isn't it..?

C. ballinae is protected as a species in NSW, and the only place it's been seen in any numbers is at Ball's Pyramid, which is part of the World Heritage Site of Lord Howe, so in essence the species has double protection...

One other overlooked Lord Howe endemic is Genicanthus semicinctus (the documentation from the Kermadec Islands was one specimen)... this fish is awesome! Here are a few shots of the male and female taken by friend Frank Baensch...




This species was collected for a public aquarium...

Have a look at the link in my earlier post thy are only illegal to collect in new south wales

(but all the places thy have been seen is in the north of new south wales so there are a chance that there will be sum deep in Queensland then it will be leagal but at deep water )

That's wishful thinking Yuri... :spin3: you realize they still have never been "seen" on the mainland... that is based entirely on two specimens trawled decades ago... the only place the species has been seen and photographed is at that 600 foot long rock known as Ball's Pyramid, about 400 miles off of the mainland! I've heard reports of others... even a place where they are relatively shallow off the mainland, but it's all just reports for now... amazing to think a juvenile of the species has never been documented!!!!
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Rufus has never collected on Kauai... he's on the West side of Oahu... The guy who got paralyzed (I think he's in a walker now... either way he's done diving for good) was based on Kauai for the past few years... he collected the pair of personatus posted above, and a few others collected on Kauai... the one Rob Lower caught died shortly after... Mike was diving his rebreather alone and got bit by an eel deep and was bleeding. He surfaced quickly worried about sharks and drove his boat to shore running it right up onto the beach... at that point he was already paralyzed and needed to be carried off of the boat apparently... this story is so common in our industry but seldom told...

To understand a little more on getting bent crack a beer tonight and read this story... many of you know Rich Pyle... he's been a good friend and someone I respect more than anyone... a fish nerd's fish nerd... a world renowned ichthyologist that did his PhD thesis on the classification of angelfish... and also a pioneer in deep diving that nearly killed himself diving deep in 1986 at age 19... leaving him paralyzed for almost a year and to this day with tingliness in his legs... Leave no doubt... Rich is the man...


Is this the famous 'Mauritus' wrasse from Dom in NJ???
The buyer of this fish has an insane collection of fish... unfortunately that no one will ever see... but this little girl will have some ridiculous tankmates... and (almost needless to say) the buyer bought this fish the way we buy the morning paper...

Yup Copps that pretty much sums it up! It's nice that she will be able to share some space with another Hawaii endemic (Bodianus sanguineus) that came from the same supplier quite some time ago. I thought of it as a little reunion! 8 long years of asking and asking!!! I had gotten wind of a Kingii which unfortunately I passed on as it was a monster, this little girl fortunately was perfect size!

64Ivy: Glad you were able to get some awesome photos of her!
I don't think the cost of the fish is the concern for me, or even the system, but more like the house you need to fit such a system. As a teenager I used to dream of having an 8ft tall octagon shaped aquarium with some sort of jellyfish living in it. I suppose if money were no object, that's the custom build I would want to research and attempt. Of course a well qualified person to maintain it would also be in order =)

** now back to reality** I doubt I will ever have the kind of throw away money this would obviously require. :)
If you are only talking about the cost of the fish, then I guess money isn't an issue for me. It is not that I am rich but the limitations of a 75g tank, my responsibility to the 5 fish I already have, and compatability issues with these fish and my corals really limit what I can get. I would love a few of the really beautiful angels and butterfies but they just would not work in my tank even if I had infinite money.

I hear that! You are so right on here! I'm in a 90g and at first thought I could get all sorts of fish, at least a blue hippo, right... wrong! Oh well, next tank, right? =) LOL
Yup Copps that pretty much sums it up! It's nice that she will be able to share some space with another Hawaii endemic (Bodianus sanguineus) that came from the same supplier quite some time ago. I thought of it as a little reunion! 8 long years of asking and asking!!! I had gotten wind of a Kingii which unfortunately I passed on as it was a monster, this little girl fortunately was perfect size!

64Ivy: Glad you were able to get some awesome photos of her!

so,you bought that personatus?
One other overlooked Lord Howe endemic is Genicanthus semicinctus (the documentation from the Kermadec Islands was one specimen)... this fish is awesome! Here are a few shots of the male and female taken by friend Frank Baensch...




This species was collected for a public aquarium...

John, Is there anyone who has Genicanthus semicinctus in their collection or are they only in a public aquarium? Very cool looking fish!
I would get a giant pacific octopus!
But my mom wouldn't allow it (we are strict vegitarians).
Within my limitations, a mandarin.
if money wasnt an issue, what is the one fish you would get?

Without a doubt, it would be a Queen angel from St. Peter and St. Paul rocks. By far the most incredible and unique angel fish on the planet!!!! To bad I can't have one.:uhoh2: