If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Son moved to Hawaii, 50 gal reef now moms responsibility!

Son moved to Hawaii, 50 gal reef now moms responsibility!

:crazy1: My name is Lori and I'mtaking care of my son's reef tank now. He left me with all the responsibility, hoping I will keep it thriving. I almost sold it a few times out of frustration. But the problem I had got resolved and I learned something new each time. I told my son one time, this is too much for me to handle I'm going to place an ad in the paper to sell and he got really upset. He's hoping that when he comes home to visit, the tank will be flourishing. No
pressure on mom, huh?
Well, I have become quite attached to the fish. And I am learning a lot more then
I thought I would. I did just become aware that my tank needs to be vacuumed.
Someone I spoke to said they couldn't believe I didn't do that. I tried with the
suction tube that takes the water out but it was too big and took too much water
out too quick. I guess I need to get something different.
I also have a yellow tang with a disease and I'm not sure what I should do with it
now. My son told me the disease is lymphocystis. He said that there is no cure for it. I just read all that too but it also said it's contagious. So far all my fish
seem healthy, even the yellow tang. They are eating well and active. Although
now the fins are starting to look frail. What should I do. I don't know if it might be
the sea-urgents prickly tenicles and that the tang was swimming around near
them. I've seen that happen before.
I had some fish die on me in the beginning, and recently lost my starfish. But
now I'm hoping to learn all I can about keeping the reef tank thriving. :reading: I'm hoping to eventually get more fish and coral in there but I plan on taking it slow and learning everything first. I'm glad I found this site. I hope you can help me.
Thank you,
Lori. :reading:


Ive been around but im just getting into using this as a service for information and sharing, Got a redseamax-45 gal oceanic tech tank and a few mars bars for my clown pairs. Kinda a collector and impusle shopper. I pick up nice patterns when I see them. Hope to get some info or help if I try to raise some babies. Not for $$$ but just to say I did it or pull a crazy pattern fish and say I created it would be cool. Thanks for any help anyone can give me as I got down this road. Gonna have to keep it small because I move so much being i the military. Talk to some of you soon.
I've been browsing this forum for a while, I started a freshwater tank 12g year and a half ago, and since then I've always dreamed for a saltwater setup. Here I'm a year and a half later:

cube 24"x24"x24" tank with back overflow
28g sump
60 lbs live rocks
Ecotech MP10W pump
Reef Octopus 1000 skimmer
Ecotech Radion LED

Just started the cycle process about a week ago, put in a raw shrimp few days ago, now water is starting to register 0.5 with ammonia. I see the rocks starting to have brown algae on them as well.

Jumping into a salt setup is definitely an adventure, the chemistry part is still over my head as many components interact with each others.

I sure will ask a lot of questions, hopefully not too many stupid questions :)


Hi people!
My name is Don and I have been keeping freshwater systems for over 25 years and have decided to set up a marine tank. I find it interesting how the saltwater aquarium hobby has changed so much since the days when I was just starting out with freshwater. We now have a better understanding on how to nOt only keep these wonderful creatures alive but breed them as well!
I am going to start out with a 40 gallon breeder and 25 gallon sump. I built my own wooden stand and have just set up (and tested) the plumbing system so the next step is to get the sand and water ready and get this tank moving forward! Hope to talk to you all! :fish1:
New member, First reef and excited!

New member, First reef and excited!

First off hello to everyone! My name is Jason and I am super excited to start my first reef tank. I have been a freshwater fish keeper for probably 15 years. I have always been interested in setting up a reef tank but my situation would not allow it.
I have been creeping on a lot of different sites similar to RC and this one seems to be the most helpful, friendly and well put together.
Currently I am running a tall 45 gallon freshwater with assorted Africans. It has been a very successful tank and I have never had any major issues. The reason I am now able to set up a reef tank is I am remodeling my basement and got permission (or the blessing) from the boss.
I plan on posting some questions on other links on RC in their appropriate location. Probably under the new members link. I also plan on starting a my build link.
Thanks everyone in advance and I look forward to starting this process.

Hello, Steve here...

Getting back in after about a 7yr brake. Last time I had a65g softy. This time ill do an 80 g with sps.
hi my name is duy from new orleans. I just got a nuvo 38 gallon with a tunze skimmer and two mazarra modules.
New introduction from PA

New introduction from PA

Hello all. I have been lurking for a while as I am in the process of setting up my first reef tank. I have had freshwater tanks off and on throughout my life. I have always wanted a reef tank so here goes. I live in Northeast PA just outside of Mountain Top. I am new to "forum" communication so this is all very interesting to me. I can't get over the fact that so many people take the time to help out others new to the hobby. I am not sure how much I will post, but I appreciate the incite that so many people offer on this site.
Thanks for listening.

Hi new here but about 15 years or more of fresh water tanks. 5 years of Koi ponds and home made reactors, barrel filters, bog filters etc.... only one thing I have not done is a reef. I think its time.

I just shut down my high tech planted tank injected CO2, ph controller automated http://www.ratemyfishtank.com/photo-main.php/35242

220G african tank





bog garden (slow drain pond)

I have been reading TFH for about 12 years so not many topics about salt I don't understand but still have questions on reef since I have zero hands on to building designing them. Have read the trends over the years on lighting, DSM, fug etc...

I am shopping for all in one tank setup, I'm getting lazy and don't want to custom build anything anymore.

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New to this too and found something on my rock

New to this too and found something on my rock

After two months of having it running I saw something growing. Could y'all help me identify it?
Hi RC, My name is Keith, i'm a 43 year old plumbing contractor that has been reef keeping for quite some time now and never really got it right(due to poor info mostly) My tank has always survived and never thrived and I really want to have a healthy tank. I've been reading a lot of the posts here for the past couple of days and already got a lot of great info that shows me what i've been doing wrong for so long. I would like to plumb a refugium into my system and I have the bascis on the piping for it, but I don't really know how to go about filling it (sand, reef mud, plants.....?) and what type of lights should I use for it.

Tank specs. 180gal. glass tank 72"L x 24" x 30"D with corner overflow box's
Two protien skimmers both rated at 125gal. Aqua C & E.T.S.S.
Two Iwaki 40RLT pumps...1 for skimmers & 1 for return, 1 Ecotech MP40 & 1 power head for water movement in tank
25gal. sump

Any and all replies would be greatly appreciated....
Hi. My name is Vu. I've been running my first saltwater tank (used 34g Solana) for the past 3 months. Had a planted tank in the past and have always wanted a reef tank but was intimidated with all the complexities of running one. RC and other forums have made it much less intimidating with a lot of helpful into and advice. Thought I would attached a couple pics of the tank just in case there is a change/fix that another member can suggest. Still learning a lot so any advice is great appreciated. Thanks


Hey Everyone,

Mark here currently living near Short Hills NJ just west of NYC. Dangerously close to the Elos store in Milburn. Got into the hobby about a year ago when I purchased a 180. Been all over Reef Central since learning things in the background. Finally got water in the tank this past January so shes been up and running for just about 8 months now.
Hello Everyone,

James here from St. Augustine Florida. I have been involved in SW tanks for many years but took a long break due to college, marriage, and kids. I got back into the hobby a year ago and have recently upgraded to a DeepBlue 80g Rimmless. I currently have lps and sps in my tank.

I look forward to learning new concepts on RC. The hobby has advanced a lot since the early 90's!


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Hey everyone,

Matt from Baltimore here. I used to keep a saltwater tank when i was young and am now just getting back into it. This time around I want to make sure I do everything really well, does anyone know if there are good "Cycling" threads out there for beginners? I looked through the newb posts and tried some basic searches but couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for. I have the basics down but just want to make sure I have everything covered!

O yeah, and as to what I'm starting with, it is a 40G Breeder!


Hello, My name is Kirb, and I have been lurking in the shadows of ReefCentral for the past several years. I have never felt the need to join until now. For the past 3 years I have been running a several FOWLR tanks, as well as a few occasional anemones. I have never ventured into corals, however my wife just bought me a biocube 29 and I am about to enter into your world. Therefore I would like to introduce myself and begin my journey into the introductory world of corals.
hi fellas my name is john and I am new to salt but have did fresh for about 15 years .starting a tank now 125 fish only to start corals later. I am using afluval 405 and a 60 gal hang on .got 2 koralias 1500s with controller 300 watt heater sand in tank with water cycling now going to get the reefbreeder leds at end of month 2 sets/ 1 more at end of oct nov /dec sump and pump im thinking tangs and what else gos with themguys???? eny help at all on this tank u can give ? thanks guys
Greetings all

Henry from Miami, been lurking for a while and finally started to participate. There are many great people in this hobby with alot of experience to share. This is a great place to tap into knowledge and possible even help someone out ourselves.

Thanks for allowing me to participate