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New to Reef Central

New to Reef Central

Just doing my hello to everybody! I currently have a 90 gallon reef that I have been transitioning into from my old 60 gal which was my first saltwater tank and had been established for almost 3 years. Although I have learned much from this forum I feel I am still a newbie and am what I would call a budget minded reefer. I don't have the ability to go top of the line high end stuff like I see many people have on this forum, however I do pride myself on making a very functional yet pleasing tank to look at and enjoy. Compared to my days of freshwater tanks I still spend way more than I would like to on this hobby. It does seem that there is a gap between cheap low quality items and high end expensive items for this hobby. Even so I try to do my research and be a smart shopper! I do like the end product that all of the hard work and money produces though. For now I will probably continue to be a sponge soaking up all of your knowledge and experience. thanks!:fish1:
re-establishing a tank

re-establishing a tank

I had a SW tank for 5 years (55 gal) which did very well. Sadly, had to give it up for personal reasons. I am now ready to start a 55 gal. FOWLR tank again. Someone has offered me live rock that they had in an old tank that they had let go. The rocks were in the water that had been evaporating, until the tank was half full. Also, the rocks are covered in green algea. Is there any hope to use them again, or am I just asking for trouble? I will be putting in 50 pounds of new live rock next week to start cycling the tank. There is about 30 pounds of this old rock available. I've been planning to use a raw shrimp to help with the cycling. Won't put fish in until water parameters have stabilized. Thanks in advance for any help you more experienced people can give me.
hi My name is Charles started building reef aquarium about a year ago. Started with a 125 with busted bottom that was given to me. Replaced bottom and built cabinet and made a 20g refugium. currently running c-skim 1800 which works great a two little fishies 150. Two 16" euphotica leds and one 24" euphotica led. i have a plc that controls refugium lights, wave pumps, alarms high and low water levels and trends water temp as well as alarms temp. it also controls exhaust fan in hood. later it will control dosing pumps. here are a few pis of cabinet.


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Hi from Prague, Czech Republic.

My name is Radek and I have finally decided to register. I am starting to build 74 gal reef tank (my first) and I have decided to track my progress in a blog on RC.
Hello there! I'm just now trying to setup my first tank.

I posted a thread with my first major issue to settle before setup, hoping I get some good advice!
Hello, My name is Chris. I am new to saltwater, I had a freshwater tank most of my life. Having a tough time getting my saltwater tank to settle. I do have a question, what size refugium do I need. I am currently looking at the CPR aquafuge2 (small) is this enough for copes and filtration for a 55 gallon cube style tank? I ask because I would like to hang it on the side of my tank due to space issues in the back. the medium is to large for the side and I cant afford an under tank refugium yet. Please help, I am losing coral :headwally: also would i be able to get rid of my canister when i put the refugium on the tank?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

P:dance:etco is having a 1$GAL sale on tanks. Go get sum....
Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle

Hello all. I have read lots of great posts here and am happy to be a new member to Reef Central. I had a 45 gallon FOWLR tank 10 years ago for about a year and am getting back into things with a new 29g biocube reef. Thinking about a BSJF :D
Hello everyone,
I set up my first salty tank in 10 years recently, its 6 months old now and not too shabby imo, need to get my nitrates and phosphates in check but im working on it. Alot has changed since my last tank, I love the new gadgets and gizmos. The advancements make keeping specimens that were before best left to advanced aquarists possible to keep provided the parameters are stable.

Thanks RC Im learning new stuff here every day.
New Pittsburgh, PA area member here, new to SW too

New Pittsburgh, PA area member here, new to SW too

Hello RC, I just acquired an unknown volume bowfront (I'm guessing around 80-90 gallons, it's 48.5" wide by 18 front to back in the middle, 12" on the ends, and 27" tall.) I am completely new to SW but do have a bit of experience with freshwater mainly african cichlids but also a couple planted south american tanks as well as freshwater shrimp tanks. I will likely have tons of questions and will start searching out the newb with only half a clue threads. I was actually directed here by a member on the cichlid forum. Have a good one and I'm excited to start in this new direction of the hobby.
new to the hobby 1.5 yrs in

new to the hobby 1.5 yrs in

Hello all fellow reefers, new to the hobby just under 2 yrs, have had freshwater most my life and used to raise veil tail angels to support my local lfs. now my focus has settled on saltwater and in the past year, i have ammased quite a collection of what were once sick or dying corals for little to no cash, and have propogated my tank enough for me to start building my new tank (125g jebo bowfront) now reef ready. here are a few photos



and the new tank

the favia i was told its a dragon soul, although i have seen more photos pointing to a prisim that refuses to split :) any input is always welcome and most appricitated! :debi:
New here

New here

Hi, my name is James. I have been involved with saltwater for about 4 years now. I currently have a 40 gallon mixed reef tank with assorted fish. I recently purchased a neptune controller and a hydra 52 light. I am looking for great tips for light programs to set them to. I have been experimenting but haven't been able to get it exactly how I want it. Feel free to chime in with any advice.
Hey everyone

Hey everyone

Hi my name is..." inigo montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die! JK. Iam Louie, I have been keeping reefs for over 15 years, I also worked at aquaria, some of you older keepers might remember that store on colorado and missippi. I helped remodel their store before it shut down and the owners gave me the old 180 gal coral display tank for all my efforts. Its been dry for about 8 years and just got it up about 6 months ago. Lots of new corals and equipment out there from the last time I was in the hobby. I will be asking lots of questions about equipment iam sure. Thank you to the mods for keeping this site going!
My name is Dro and I had a reef aquarium with a roommate about 13 year ago. It wasn't taken care of very well and most of fish ended up dying off. The 55Gal eventually ended up being converted into a vivarium for poison dart frogs. Unfortunately, after moving out I never had the room to set up a new saltwater tank. My brother has been setting up a few in his home over the past few years and I finally moved into a place with enough room for a nice tank. We spent the last week building a stand and setting up a tank with a lot of hand-me-downs. I also still have a lot of equipment from my old aquariums that we were able to put to use. At the end of the setup I probably spent < $100 which is awesome considering everyone usually spends close to a grand for the right equipment.

I have a ton of experience with reptiles and other exotic pets but never really got into reefs. My brother has once again inspired me to get started back on saltwater and I'm glad I did. Everything it looking really nice so far!










Hello all! Check out my 29 gallon soon to be reef! Planning on keeping softies and lps in here as well as 1 or 2 fish. Here it is 1 week after cycle began:

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Hello all! My name is Mikhael. I'm relatively new to the hobby (less than a year) and to reef central. I currently have a 16 nano that just finished re-cycling, but once I move to my bigger home this year I want to upgrade to somewhere between a 55 to 90 gallon tank. Glad to be a part of the community.
Good Evening all! This is Ben from Dayton Ohio. I've been reading threads for months and decided it was time to register as I'm getting close to setting up my 120 gal with 30 gal sump. The tank and sump are in production at acrylic creations and should arrive in mid February. I have ordered Hydor evo power heads 2- 1500 and 2- 450's went with the mag 9.5 and some marineland reef Capable LEDs I have 120 lbs of Pukani dry live rock and 100 lbs of Fiji pink Arag-alive sand to start. I have the BRS dual media reactor and RO/DI. I will start curing rock soon. The only purchase I haven't made is the skimmer and the more I read the more difficult the decision becomes.....
Has anyone heard about this setup im thinking of buying one used 34 gallon Solana cube aquarium? with this led light D120 custom layout with a mix of white, blue, royal, violet, red, green, and UV lights