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I have a drilled 40b center overflow i did two 1" holes. You will need to measure your overflow box then center the holes from there
Hi all,

Going to venture into saltwater. I used to have a family owned 90 gal freshwater tank. Been reading up on a lot of salt water builds and will be starting one, hopefully soon.


Hi all,

I was introduced to aquariums via a friend of mine who helped me set up a freshwater 20 gallon tank which lasted about a year and then again helped me with a BioCube 29 (saltwater reef tank). I've had the BC running for a little over a year now and have gotten the itch to go with a larger, more serious setup. I've progressed a lot in just two years having tanks and learning to do the maintenance on them, but I owe all of it to my buddy who has been in and around this hobby for a bunch of years now. He lead me in and now I am hooked.

I have begun research on setting up a proper 60 gallon cube in the coming months. I have to make a thread to organize the details and collect any advice from those on here with all the experience!
New to hobby

New to hobby

Hey RC Im new to the hobby with my 29 Biocube all stock. Tell me what you think please?? I dont think the pictures are posting any help
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Just starting out

Just starting out

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the modern saltwater community. I'm just beginning to research the methods to setup and maintain a marine aquarium. I have a 90 gallon that I plan on using that has a corner overflow and bottom drilled. I have been doing a lot of research here and appreciate all the knowledge people have shared. Thanks to all that have contributed.
Best regards,

hi everyone.have just registered i am from england and for bout 15 years kept freshwater tropical but 3 years ago set up a small 10 gallon reef tank with soft corals and mainly inverts and a couple of fish and up to now its been running great.got plans to get bigger tank in the future but wife and kids making me skint lol. so hello!
Hi everyone, my name is Mike and I getting back into this hobby after being out for 12 years. I use to run a 120 with corals and fish. I am now setting up a 150. I am going to have some questions about the overflow because I need to have one as quiet as possible. It seems to me most of the noise comes from the water overflow and falling to the drain. I think a Durso will be fine but I may try a Herbie if that would be quieter.
Returning reefer here. Had a 65 and a 150 for quite a few years. Shut down the 65 when I moved and got very busy so sold the 150 lock stock and barrel to a dentist for his office. Now building up a 120 (48 x 24 x 24) and wow has the lighting technology advanced. Skimmers look the same but I guess they aren't. For the money they better be much better! Errr ... Same about the lights! In a condo and space is at a premium so there will be compromises - no fish room for example. HAH! Goal is 4-5" DSB, about 120-150 lbs LR some of which will be in the sump with refugium, plenty of room for fish to school. Intend only to keep relatively small species so school sizes can be large.
whats going on RC my name is Kyle and I am fairly new to the hobby about 2 years ago I got a 30g biocube and ran out of room very fast. Just recently I upgraded to a 75g deep blue rimless tank (reef ready). I have a homemade LED pendant which me and a buddy made (24 blues and 16 whites) also 2, 150w clip on medal halides all hooked up to my reef keeper lite with 2 modules, an ALC unit, which I then wired them into dimmable drivers. I have a trigger system ruby 36s sump with an SC aquariums 180 gallon skimmer. just figured I would introduce myself!!
Hello my name is Jorge and I have a 125g for about 2 months now and used to have a 46 inch bow front reef tank looking for good advice that's why I decided to join
Hey, guys! I'm new to the hobby and would like to introduce myself. Sought out a saltwater forum to get a little bit more advice about where I should get started!

I was going to make the jump right to a tank ~75 gal but, I think I'm going to start off with a 10 gal reef set up to get acquainted with the processes of keeping a saltwater tank on a bit of a smaller scale.
This is my first SW tank, with many years raising cichlids.
Done all the prerequisite reading and I have decided on a 29 G FOWLR. 25lbs LR, Hydor 1150 powerhead, Coralife 65 Protein skimmer and also a canister filter with mechanical filtration only. Going over to the reef discussion to start asking my questions now.

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Hey I'm tommy been in and out of the hobby for 5 or so years I'm currently in the planning and purchasing stages of my marineland 93g cube build I started a build thread looking forward to learning a lot from you guys the reason this build is special to me is cus I just purchased my first home and wifey said have at it
Hey everyone. My name's Chris and I currently am stationed in Germany and am working on my first salt water environment. Been reading a lot on here the past few days and can say I'm in awe with the friendliness and willingness to help. I know I will be utilizing this site for a long time as I know hardly anything about it. Currently I have a Juwel 65 gallon set up with stand, some live sand and cured live rock that I purchased from a LFS. I have Maxspect Razor LEDs on the way here and a protein skimmer on the way as well. Anyway I look forward to learning a lot and hopefully contributing one of these days
Hi all...I'm stepping up in the hobby. I've had various 40g & under tanks on and off for the last 15 years. We've been playing with a 20g nano reef for the last 2.5 years and now it's time to move up to a full 90g reef. I ran across the tank a month ago and just finished building the stand but still have to paint it. I'm on here trying to learn more about better filtration.
new to hobby

new to hobby

Hey guys im new to this hobby have about a 5 month old tank now and this is what I have in it so far and im looking for some ideas on what else I can get for this tank Here are some pictures

So far this is what im running

125 Gallon Aqueon tank
API Filstar XP Filter
1 Marineland Maxi Jet 600 Powerhead
1 Aqueon Pro 250 Heater
1 Koralia Hydor Powerhead
1 4x 80 T5 HO Reef LED 320 watt w/ Lunars Moonlights Aquarium Light
150 gal Aquarium Protein Skimmer w/ 530GPH Pump Filter Powerhead

Live Stock so far

1 Honey Damsel
5 Green Chromis
1 Salt Water Turbo Snails
1 Red Chocolate Starfish
1 Decorator Crab (aka Decorator Spider Crab)
1 Sand Sifting Starfish
2 Emerald Crab
3 Assorted Damsels
1 Spotted Hawkfish
2 Banggai Cardinals
2 Astrea Snails
Green Star Polyp
2 Maroon Clowns
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Coral Beauty Angel
2 Hermit Crabs
Everlasting sunshine corals
Armageddon Coral


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Hello. This is Mr. Oraange from Chicago.
I've been interested in cephalopods for little over a year now, and have finally settled on cuttlefish after being on the fence for quite a while. Currently working on some remodeling, but I plan to get a 30 gallon (24x24x12) Deep Blue Rimless tank for a single S. bandensis, though lately I've been thinking about a 29 gallon Biocube.
I plan on possibly doing a journal regarding the cuttle, since I haven't seen one concerning them on the cephalopods page for a while now.
Jon from Nashville, TN. Worked at a family owned pet store that focused on fresh and saltwater fish and corals about 15 years ago. Had a small reef tank setup about 5 years ago. Looking to get back into a small tank again soon.