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Good Evening all! This is Ben from Dayton Ohio. I've been reading threads for months and decided it was time to register as I'm getting close to setting up my 120 gal with 30 gal sump. The tank and sump are in production at acrylic creations and should arrive in mid February. I have ordered Hydor evo power heads 2- 1500 and 2- 450's went with the mag 9.5 and some marineland reef Capable LEDs I have 120 lbs of Pukani dry live rock and 100 lbs of Fiji pink Arag-alive sand to start. I have the BRS dual media reactor and RO/DI. I will start curing rock soon. The only purchase I haven't made is the skimmer and the more I read the more difficult the decision becomes.....

I hope the tank is drilled. If not DO IT before you get it wet. Would have saved me lots of time.
LOL Decided that I was going to start 2014 right and begin my first adventure into the world of reef tanks!!!
After growing up around freshwater tanks and having 4 tanks total in my apartment (1 75 gallon, 1 38 gallon, 2 10's) I think it's safe to say I have a special love for the aquatics and cannot wait to get a house so I have more tank room! hahaha
I've converted my 38 gallon brackish tank to a full saltwater in a matter of 48 hours. Emptying the tank, cleaning drying and packing away the rocks, clean the glass. Add sand, add salt water, add live rock. It's been an adventure and was a crazy 48 hours. I couldn't be happier with how everything's going so far!
I'm excited to learn lots more from this forum!
oh, and I'd just like to add that I am in NO WAY rushing. I just can't stand the sight of a completely empty tank in my living room and wanted to get the water in the tank ASAP! lol
I felt the same way when setting up mine as mentioned above. However, it's really important to be patient because things will start dying fast if anything goes wrong. I've lived around freshwater setups for a long time as well and this is completely different. I would suggest getting some blue leg hermit crabs and maybe a small cheap coral after a few days of waiting. I tested my water a few times and made sure all the levels were good before I did and everyone is still doing pretty well after my first week.
oh I totally understand the patience part. Just cant stand the sight of a completely bare no water in the tank look. thats the only time I have and will rush with this hobby :) Thank you for the advice though. Much appreciated!
New to ReefCentral

New to ReefCentral

The site was recommend to me by a couple of people here to soak up all of the your knowledge. Just finished painting my stand and the back of my 75 gallon tank blank. I have cats so i am customizing the top of tank with glass. I have decided to go with black sand and now trying to decide on led lights. Should i spend the money on the IT2060? I think i need two for my 75 gallon tank.
New to Hobby

New to Hobby

Hi Im Brian Ive had fresh water tanks since I was a kid and recently just purchased my first stab at a reef tank.

I went with a 60 gallon Innovative Marine all in one tank . I'm using an IM skimmer. 20lbs of live sand and @100 lbs of Fiji live rock.

2 Aqua illumination Hydra led lights with the AI wireless controller.

The tank was set up on New years eve.

I'm very much looking forward to promoting a nice mixed reef tank. I stumbled upon this site, and an glad I did. Have been reading a lot and learning a lot in the last few days via all the various forum posts.
New to Reef Central.

New to Reef Central.

Hi everyone,
My name is Jake I live in the frozen tundra they call Minnesota. I am new to forums but saltwater fish are my hobby. I have 2 tanks

Tank: 1 fish only Panther Grouper,Clown Trigger,Starry Trigger,Porkfish,Yellow Tang,Snowflake eel,dogface puffer. This tank is a 125g drilled all glass with a sump and t5 lighting.

Tank 2: Is a reef 65 gallon bow front all glass. Fish are Powder Blue Tang,Filefish
Clown,yellow damsel,picture wrasse,zoo colony,mushrooms,and bubble tip, cleaner shrimp,turbo's and snails.

A little about me and this hobby. We'll I started keeping fish tanks about 15yrs ago. It was kind of a trial and error type of deal for a while there but a couple of things I figured out were the bigger the tank the less work it is. The other think I figured out is how important a forum like this can be. Say I go to LFS and ask a question chances are that question could vary from LFS to LFS for that matter from person to person. I have read many books on fish keeping,I have also helped many people set up tanks in the past.
Hey everyone,

My name is Brian and i'm from south central PA. I have been in the hobby for around 4 years and i'm in the process of building my new 34 gal tank.

David here, after reading tons and ogling at the ifs for 2 years I bought a reef set up off Craigslist. 120g tank, 80-100lbs live rock, yellow tang, tomini tang, blue tang, 3 yellow tail damsels, tons of Kenya trees and several good size toadstool leathers. Its been 3 months and so far all is well. No sump, aquamedic hang on skimmer, power heads and tunze wavemaker.

According to seller its been running 5+ years and he is totally lazy, food and top off tank with tap water. So that is what I have been doing for 3 months but with a few water changes,

I just got an RO unit (both major ifs said that is all I needed for my water). I did a 17%water change today.

I will be looking for help and have been reading this site, everyone seems really nice and helpful. I look forward to getting to know some folks here. As well getting some ideas/recommendations on where to go from here... I want color all of this coral is beige.

new to hobby

new to hobby

I am from Connecticut. I have been out of the hobby for a long time but i am now finally going to set up a 880 gal tank and additional sump system. starting from scratch. Hope to learn a few thing from some of the veterans and those with large systems. I is difficult to find this type of information, and it can be very costly to make mistakes with this size system.

Any Qualified Advice is welcome!

New member from Virginia Beach

New member from Virginia Beach

I am from Virginia Beach, VA. I am brand new to the salt water hobby, although I have been keeping fish for almost 2 years now on the freshwater side. Everything from African cichlids to South American biotope planted tank and almost everything in between. I just recently got my hands on a 50g corner tank that needed resealing so I got it very cheap. I fixed it up and resealed it and decided to make it my first salt water tank. I decided to do a FOWLR for now. I just got the water in and the equipment set up and got a few pieces of live rock(approx 30lbs) and a bag(20lbs) of live sand. In the process of getting some more live rock and i still need a heater, although its only at 72*. I plan on getting a HOB skimmer once its cycled. Maybe in the future I will do a sump, but for now this is what im workin with.


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Good news everyone!,
I am taking my hobby to the next level, I have had a planted freshwater aquarium for little over a year and decided I want to go marine. Already off to a shaky start, picked up a new 55 gal tank, turns out it's tempered glass. So that makes any kind of drilling impossible. However I won't let that get me down, it's only a minor hiccup. Currently waiting for my new aquarium stand and RO/Di system to arrive.
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Long Island and Rhode island Novice

Long Island and Rhode island Novice

New to reefing but seem to have a decent idea of what im getting myself into. Nice to meet all of you. Reef central has been a place where I have gathered a ton of my information, truly an excellent knowledgeable database.
Hi all! I've been following the forums since I started my tank a month ago.
I've got a supercool LFS, that I've been getting my advice from.* I kinda want a Second opinion on some of the advice I've been getting.
It's not that my LFS is trying to sell me a bunch of stuff I don't need, it's the opposite.
Right now I have a 35gal tank with a hanging filter, a 150 Watt heater, a bank of LED lights, 10 lbs of live rock, 1 bag of aragonite sand, 7 hermit crabs, 7 Snails, and two paired clown fish.
My question is should I get two powernheads ? Also, should I get a protien skimmer ?
Hi All, I am from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Started the hobby last year. I have a 71 Gallon cube tank. This is my first tank but I have an experience friend who's always here when I ask any questions. I also follow the forum but not regularly because I am mostly busy at work. :)
Hello, Ed here from Baltimore! This forum has been a great resource so far and im sure it will be even more useful as i live and learn all there about this hobby. I was given a 210 gallon tank, a 30g sump and skimmer from lifereef, along with the pumps and some plumbing. so, starting big! but, taking it one step at a time.
This is chase from Edmonton Alberta Canada. Use this is a resource all the time finally decided to sign up. Have a 55g display with maybe a 20~ gallon sump.
Hey guys! I'm new to the hobby and I'm in the works of setting up 40g breeder reef with a 20g sump/refugium. This by no means will be complete any time soon as I am a pretty broke guy and want things done right the first time. I've been skimming this site for awhile now and I love it. I do have one quick question though, I plan on drilling my tank for a internal overflow and i am confused on how to know how far down I need to drill the hole for this???? I'm sure it's mentioned on here somewhere but I couldn't find it. Thanks a bunch guys and I look forward to being a long time member of this site!