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hello from sunny kent

hello from sunny kent

hi there new to the site been keeping my tank for nearly a year now and think its time to start adding to it :fun2:
First saltwater tank!

First saltwater tank!

Basically I'm pretty pumped on my new jbj28g. First saltwater setup. Having trouble sleeping. Been watching the tank but no algae yet. The lfs sold me the Red Sea mature coral kit to get things going. No results as of now. Been 5 days. I'll be taking pictures later!
Hi Everyone !
My name is Matthew and I'm from Poland.
I've started this interesting hobby about year ago . 6 mounths ago I set up my 600l ( about 160 gallon ) first reef aquarium .
Actually I'm stabilizing the tank after replacing the part of rock that was raising phosphates.
I am still young (not only in age because i'm 16 but also in the saltwater aquarium topic) and with your help, I would like to expand my knowledge in this field.

I apologize for any errors, if any are included here but I haven't mastered the English perfect yet ( but I hope you understood me :spin2: )
Hey there I'm Travis and I'm from Ohio. Working on starting my first tank. Currently trying to find the best deal on a used tank/stand that I can and then going from there. Gathering as much knowledge as I can as well. I think I'm going to start with a 55 long and a 20 gal sump, but thats subject to change until I actually get the stuff. Anyone in Ohio who has gear, tips, free stuff ;) feel free to PM me. Love this forum already, I hope I can help and contribute!
Hello everyone, my name is Luiz, a 22 year old kid that has been wanting to set up a reef aquarium for some time now. I've seen tons of youtube videos and read some stuff and eventually ended up here. I've learned quite a bit here too.
What I really want is 50-60gal aquarium, i dont really want to spend the money for sump; but the more i browse the more im finding that i kinda sorta need one? not too mention a separate QT tank and supplies for it, so im trying to save as much as i can. and yes i am aware that things are going to get pricey..fast, I want the aquarium to be and running by next holiday season.

Then i was thinking, why not start with a 20-30 gallon nano to get familiar with all the water testing, stabilizing parameters, cleaning, basically everything; and not have to worry about killing a large livestock. then i could eventually use this nano as a QT? (regardless i'll still need a QT? :headwally: )

What do guys think? sorry for the long intro.:wavehand:
Hi all,

I've been out of the hobby for about 8 years. Previously had good luck with a horrible setup (in hindsight). Prior tank was 50g with mostly fish but one anenome.

We were moving so i took the fish to the LFS, sold the tank and haven't had an aquarium since.

This year our 5yr old asked santa for a fish tank. So i bought him a small 5g FW setup and we've been enjoying it. I have to admit that this gave me the bug to get back in the hobby. It's a different feeling now though. I feel a sense of dedication and the desire to do things properly this time.

I ended up buying a 60g flatback hex aquarium from craigslist. Going to set it up with a 20g sump. Currently waiting on an overflow box to be built and then i'll drill the tank and move forward.

Looking forward to getting lots of great advice on these forums. I'll try to post a build thread one of these days so i can get some personalized advice :)
hello, rc people. my name is chris, I am a retired chemist, with 16 years expearence in water treatment, and 17 years as a analytical chemist at a drug company.
just retired and now have time to start a new reef tank. having a B.S. degree in chemistry helps understand the how and why, but I am just learning much about the new ideas in reef keeping. thank you all for your help.


Hi! I'm new to marine systems. Some freshwater experience. In the middle of setting up a 75 gallon tank. Will be asking questions as I go along for advice. Doing this partly because I think the hobby is fascinating, also because I have three(soon to be four) young children, two with autism, who love watching fish. My son wants a star fish. My daughter wants some Clowns at least. I've read a half dozen books and been reading the forums for the last six months, so now I'm giving it a shot. Thanks for having us here!

Hi my name is dale I'm 30 years old iv just started on the marine situation and I'm really enjoying it iv just got myself a 3ft tank iv added the sand water and rock (ocean plate rock in layers)i have a Eco aqua led lighting system
I have a filter system what I run on pads What are unreal my friend use the same pads and their phosphate and nitrate levels are spot on I'm looking for stunning inverts and small fish what are really colourful any ideas please nice to hear from u all
Hey guys, new here!! A few weeks ago, I got an established 75gal w/a 15gal sump from a friend... curved face style. It's got those purple grow lights (sorry I don't recall what those are called) and 2 x 150 mh's for lighting. 2 Clowns, 8 anemone, a Blue Tang, Beni, 3 PJ Cards, Brittle Star, 2 cleaner shrimp & some green fan like polyp I don't know the name of. 1" Sand bottom & some good rocks (but probably not enough.)

I'm sure he never tested his water but here's where it's at now. Sal. 1.025, 78deg, PH8.3, Am.0ppm, Nitrate.0ppm, Nitrite0ppm, CA500+, KH215+, Phosphate 5.0.

I'm not sure if those last 3#'s are of any concern. but o/w Lot's of room to grow here... any ideas. Thanks!
I just down graded I thought bigger was better well not in reefing so now I have a nice 92 corner tank I will be reading and posting more starting today
Time to learn
Hi new here looking for a good light for my 46 gallon bow reef tank this is my 2 light
The light I have now is a wave point t5 I would like to keep soft and mushrooms and lps maybe sps
Noob intro

Noob intro

Hello everybody that reads the introduction forum. I'm new to the reef and to the hobby. Well I had a ciclid tank ten years ago. Hopefully I can get some pointers from the pros. Got bit by the bug a few months ago and had to start a tank. I bought a used 125g rr tank the other day. Still gotta buy everthing so ima start a thread for a build.(if i can figure out how to) Guess it will be asmodeans reef build. Thanks to everybody in advance for the help
I've owned saltwater for 10 or so years but nothing serious until this year. I have a 47 cube with a canister filter that is currently being upgraded to a 120 and I have a 29 biocube.