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Howdy and help

Howdy and help

well I am very new to the hobby, I just started my first 100 Gal Reef tank, I spend more hours surfing the net trying to figure out the basics, but it has been fun, I currently have a mated pair of clown fish, yellow tang, bi color dotty, a few different colony polyps, and leather coral and a few feather dusters plus a large clean up crew. my tank currently has 120 pounds of live rock a eheim canister system and I have the tank turning over 4100 gal per hour, I am running 2 actinic 65W and 1 45W and same for white light at 13 hours a day. I have A UV sterilizer capable of 400 gal an hour but I am currently not using it, I will hopefully have a sump and protein skimmer set up in the next few months, I was using a normal instant ocean hydrometer but recently purchased a refractometer and have my specific gravity at exactly 1.024 and have my temp at 76 F. so basically any advice would be appreciated seeing how I have been doing this for exactly 3 1/2 weeks now.
hello everyone.... I am new to reef central. I have a 65 gallon Red Sea 250 max plug n play aquarium. My inhabitants include: 3 clowns
2 peppermint shrimps
3 black urchins
3 snails
3 emerald crabs
1 white crab (hitchhiker)
Green Mushroom coral
Several hitchhiker clams.
2 sea cucumbers.

This 65 gallon setup is new only 1 1/2 months old. Im building it up. I want mostly reef. I'll post pics.

Hello, fairly new to the hobby in general. Hubby has been doing FW for years and I've always wanted to dabble with SW so he started a 12g Aquapod for me. More recently I have been wanting to be more hands on with it. Since he really hasn't done SW before, he told me that I should start here and learn from others. It's fairly established as it's been running well over a year.

In the tank:

Live Rock & Sand

Clown Fish

Green Star Polyp
White Star Polyp
Some Zoas
and some other corals that were recommended by my LFS

Mexican Turbo Snails
Bumble Bee Snail
Narcissus Snails
Astrea Snail
Blue Tuxedo Urchin
There are a bunch of hitch hikers that I've been trying to identify on the Critter thread (Asterina stars, Stomatella)

I look forward to learning from all of you. :)
I'm Devin. I'm just getting started in the reef world of fun. I'm out of okc and Atm I have a 125 African cichlid tank, 65 oscar tank, and a 55 African cichlid tank. Trying to sell my 65 atm and want to buy another 120 + to set up a reef tank. Hopefully I can find one soon. Have looked at a lot, but haven't found the "one" yet. Hehe if ur selling in the okc area shoot me an email. Hehe
I'm Jose. I have been keeping freshwater fish since I was a child and now with children of my own I want to introduce them to the marine world like my father did for me. I currently have a 65 Gallon Tiger Oscar tank, 50 Gallon assorted tropical freshwater tank for my children, and just purchased a 56 Gallon Column which will eventually be my reef tank (FOWLR first for a couple years probably). I'm still about a year from getting the tank wet since I still have to build a stand and buy equipment. I'm in the research and dreaming phase =D
red sea max 250

red sea max 250

Hi Guys i hope someone can help. I have had my red sea max for about 4 months now and i am having trouble with the return pumps blowing my sand around at the very from of the tank. I have the left pump (which is the stronger of the 2 pointing up and across the tank and the right pump which is the weaker of the 2 point slightly up and back across the tank. tried a few possitions and even tried dismantling my rock to try different set up there but same result starting to be a problem as sand constantly blowing around
Hello everyone....new to reef central and the hobby in general. Got my 70 gallom Oceanic Tech tank set up Saturday. 50 lbs live rock
40 lbs live sand
20 gal sump
Eshopps psk 75 in sump skimmer
Eheim return pump
hydor koralia 1150gph powerhead

For what reason Idk...but the picture keeps uploading sideways!
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Hi Guys i hope someone can help. I have had my red sea max for about 4 months now and i am having trouble with the return pumps blowing my sand around at the very from of the tank. I have the left pump (which is the stronger of the 2 pointing up and across the tank and the right pump which is the weaker of the 2 point slightly up and back across the tank. tried a few possitions and even tried dismantling my rock to try different set up there but same result starting to be a problem as sand constantly blowing around

I had the same issue I actually fudged with it for some time then found a happy spot. I have my left one(the stronger one) pointing across the middle of the tank. I had to get some more rock to.break up the flow. But it worked good. Also I have crushed coral as my base no longer using sand...
Hey everyone I'm Callahan88, I've all ways been into fish and now I have a good enough job to actually own my own little piece of the ocean. I have a 29 gallon fresh water now but will be getting a very nice 135 gallon off Craigslist soon. I kinda need info on everything. Any information would be greatly appreciated
What's up everyone my Name is David Iv been doing research on this forum for years and finally signed up lol honestly idk what took so long haha, I'm 25 years old live in Rogers Arkansas Iv been keeping reefs for 4 years now and freshwater and brackish for about 10 years, I work at World's under water in Fayetteville AR and love my job! Recently I took down my 35 gal cube and I'm upgrading to a custom 36x24x18 Rimless, It was ordered a few days ago so I should be able to get it going in a few weeks! I have a pretty good size YouTube channel that Iv put a lot of work into and if anyone is interested in checking it out just Pm me, I don't like throwing my channel name out there on new forums(disrespectful imo) lol. I'm also a very active member on a lot of other forums so expect me to be a very active member here!
Hey, had question about Powerheads. I set up a 36 gallon "Corner tank, it's about as tall as it is wide, triangular with a bow front, and I think I messed up with the selection of powerheads I chose. I ordered 2 800 GPH Powerhead Aquarium Pump Wave Makers. I did this with the idea of placing one on each side (facing eachother) and alternating them. Now they're great and move every ounce of water in the tank but after adding my first set of clowns in i'm starting to think even having one on at a time is too much current for the dimensions. I've read a lot of people say you cant have too much current (except if you have certain types of coral) and that you should have turn over rate of between 10-20gph or even as high as 30-50gph. However, with the dimensions of my tank (not being very long and more tall I can not find suitable placement where the fish seem happy. They hang out either behind the powerheads or in the opposite corner in the areas with the least current and even then seem to be swimming hard. They get around fine but you can tell they're working at it. Now I have plenty of live rock in the tank with lots of tunnels and caverns that the powerheads move water right through with is great but the fish won't touch them, never even really going near the rock, they stay right behind those powerheads out of the current or in the corner on the opposite side. I guess i'm just wondering if this sounds normal and the fish will get used to it or if i should just downgrade to a size lower and eat the cost of the original powerheads?

Sorry for the book but I'm just concerned about their well being right now. Tanks been up and running for a couple of weeks (cycled with live cured rock/sand) and the 2 clowns have been in for prob 3 days.

Wont let me edit

Wont let me edit

Quick addition. More (cured) live rock is coming, that's more like a base and the hang on filters are going real soon for the addition of a canister filter, have no fear. The pic wont display but if you right click the little icon and hit open in new tab it takes you to the site and lets you view it. If you look closely in the pic you can see one clown behind the activated powerhead on the upper left, and the other clown hiding in the bottom right.


Hi Everyone. I've been reading a lot of post on here so I figured I'd go ahead and join. I just set up my first marine tank. It's a 60 gallon cube with a 20 gallon sump. I got lucky and found a complete set-up already running and transported most of the water and live rock that was already established. I'll Post some pics up later as soon as I figure out where. As for me, me name is Brandon. I've had multiple FW tanks and currently have a 150 gallon freshwater natives tank up and running, but this is my first time moving over into the saltwater stuff.
Hi Everyone!

I am new to the site and to saltwater tanks. I just ordered my tank a 125 gallon marineland reef ready tank with R&J Aquatics xtreme stand and canopy. Lighting will come from two 36" LED not sure on name brand and I will have a protein skimmer in the sump. I will post more specs when i have the equipment. I plan on doing a mixed reef tank not sure on any particular species of fish/coral at this point. I am sure i will have lots of questions as i am new to the hobby.
Hi my name is Andrew and I am totally a noob when it comes to saltwater aquaria. I spent 6 years in the navy and had the opportunity to do some diving around some of the most unique habitats around the world. Got stung by some jellyfish around Hawaii and Singapore. Anyway I am saving my pennies to buy a large setup. I have read pretty much everything on the first page of most of the forums and am excited to get started. Most likely I will be collecting parts and planning for a year or more before I even get to the water part. if anyone has any tips or hacks that will make my planning easier or possibly know some great ways to save money feel free to message me I am always open to suggestion.