Hey everyone! I got hooked on this from my high school science teacher. She started with a jelly tank, and as her TA, I helped, and sadly watched it fail. (twice). She didn't do her research, and forgot to cycle it. She also threw in a tomato clown and a bicolor blenny into the 8 gallon tank... When I told her it was way to small for them, she ordered a 28g nanocube. I helped her set it up, and she still didn't know about cycling, so ammonia fluctuations happened all the time. They calmed down, so she decided to throw more fish in... she added another bicolor, some sort of anemone (ugly looking BTA I believe), grape kelp, and two mandarins. Stupid, I know. But it was her tank. Needless to say, everything died. The tomato and the anemone surprisingly lasted the longest, and we had enough time to pull them out, but they died later that day. So the tank sat the summer. I helped her start it up in the beginning of the school year, and this time, I did my research, and I told her to cycle it first. We found that the two hermits and snails actually survived a summer of 100% neglect. A trio of clowns went in, a lawnmower blenny, a sandhopper blenny (sand perch), and an assortment of crabs, snails, and a trio of peppermint shrimp. A few weeks later, she had to move. She couldn't take the tank with her, so she gave the tank to me. And thats when I got addicted. I got a 36g bowfront, and moved over the clowns, and added a pair of firefish, a neon goby and a bicolor. One of the new fish must have had ick, because it broke out bad. I lost all but the firefish and the runt clown. (I sold the fish in the other tank besides the lawnmower. the sandhopper ate the shrimp and some crabs and snails, and was super aggresive.) I treated the ick from the bowfront in my new 10g med tank... Now I'm here with a saltwater nanocube, with what I have now, a med tank, and a freshwater planted bowfront. And now I'm suspecting I have ick in my cube and a dying anemone... Help?