If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello everybody,

I just acquired a new to me 40 gallon tank about a month and a half ago, and figured i should join a forum so i can discuss any ideas, issues i might run across.

I have been reading about everything since i got the tank, and finally decided to join!

Newbie to Saltwater

Newbie to Saltwater

Hello. Just registered for reef Central. New to the hobby. I started my 29 gallon biocube in February. I seem to have more questions everyday. I like the hobby. Looking forward to learning lots.:wavehand:
New to Reef Central but not the hobby. I have been in the saltwater tank hobby since late 2004. I currently have a 90 gal that I'm tearing down because of a military move. Once we get comfy at our new base i will set up another tank or two.

Hi guys, I'm new here. Had a big SW tank many years ago with my dad but didn't get into it then. Now I have my own kid and wanted to get her something so started a small 30 gallon coral only tank!
Hello, I'm David, I'm new to saltwater but have had freshwater for over 30 years. I currently have a 90gal reef with 6 fish, 1 fire shrimp, clean up crew, sps and lps, 30 gal sump, skimmer, media reactor, t5 and small lunar led, reef keeper lite. I also have a 29 gal with cichlids. Things going great so far just battling some red cyano right now.
Time for me to say hello

Time for me to say hello

Hi RC,

My name is Glenn. I'm 56 and live on Long Island, NY. I got the bug to set up a reef tank after seeing pictures my brother sent me from Utah of his 70 gallon cube reef tank. He told me about this forum when I expressed interest.

I wanted to thank all the members for the things I have learned from them already by reading these threads on here for the past month or so. I'm planning on starting up a 100 gallon Cadlights in the future, after I learn a lot more. I'll be asking my newbie questions soon.

Thanks all,

I have been on this forum far too long to not have a name by now! I'm in CO, my fish kick it in a 90G, got a nano on my desk, I build prototype filtration for fish systems in my free time. Needless to say I should have had a profile a year ago when I first came here.

Maybe you've seen me at Reefstock this year, hustlin' the vendors out of their floor models, or maybe you'll see me at MACNA '14 reppin' my products. Who knows?

BTW, hmu if you're in CO, lets get this altitude reef club going.
Hi everyone, new to reef central, heard and read about a lot of good advise on this forum so decided to become one of many fellow reefers on this forum. Just started my first all Sps reef I'm hoping I can find and receive all the great advise I need to have amazing corals like a lot of reefers on here.


Hi! Im new to Reef/Saltwater fishing but have a 55G FW fishtank for the last several years...and now im diving into Saltwater!

I have a 30G Biocube with upgrade filtration system in the back by InTank and a Tunz900 protein skimmer. I just added my live rock a week ago and im awaiting for the cycle to occur!:lolspin:

Any advice is MORE THEN WELCOME...although Ive read several books there is so much to learn its unbelievable and a bit overwhelming!
Hello from okinawa japan

Hello from okinawa japan

Just started saltwater aquarium a few weeks ago. Was in fresh water with plants got a little bored so I converted.
Names Ken, got a 56G tank I am in the midst of setting up. I would love advice on starter fish as I had expected to get some Blue Green Chromis but want to make sure they are the right choice.

I am doing what I consider to be a pretty elaborate setup for my first tank,
  • 56 Column Marineland Tank and Stand
  • Fluval 306 Filtration Unit
  • 58lbs of Dry Indo Live Rock
  • 30lbs of Live Sand
  • ReefKeeper Titanium Elite
  • Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 ATO
  • CIPR In-Tank Refugium
  • Current USA Marine Orbit LED Lighting System
Hi my name is charley im new to saltwater I have a 30 gallon with 25 lbs live rock I was wondering c if there are any corals that I can get that don't take a lot of lighting
New to the forum

New to the forum

Hi Everyone

I just want to introduce my self, I live in Las Vegas NV, I worked in a IT field, been doing that for 10 yrs. I got into a saltwater hobby 3 month ago and I'm happy to be part of this forum.

All the info that I see in this forum is gold. :spin1:
New again!

New again!

Hi there RC.

I have been away from the hobby for about 5 or 6 years. Before that I had a 120 reef running for over a decade, thanks to the help I received here on the RC forums.

I am back, thinking about rebuilding my 120 and getting started all over again. Things have changed a lot since I set up my tank all those years ago. The hobby has grown and I have forgotten things I should know.

Anyhow, Im here and will be asking for help once I get going again.

Thanks everyone for continuing this wonderful resource!

Hello there!

Hello there!

My name is Kostas and im writing from Gr. Im kinda new to the salty side of aquariums (only 4 years of experience) and im holding up a 55g cube reef!
Soon ill jump to my new tank (almost 150g)! Nice to be a member of RC! Hope to gather alot of info n help in order to construct the big one correctly! :bounce3::dance:
Hi, I'm new to Reef/SW but have done FW off and on all of my life. Currently I have a 125 Cichlid tank w/Malawi Mbuna.

I am having a tank built that should be somewhere around 250g. Nice to be here. I've been reading for a while getting lots of questions answered (which turn into more questions)...

Nice spot you have here.
Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to the SW (only 2 months), trying to learn and do things the right way since I started off buying used SW setup and everything just went wrong 2 months into it.
Hey y'all. I am relatively new to the saltwater world. My husband and I set up a 90 gal mixed reef about two months ago when he returned from overseas. We are located outside Atlanta, Georgia.
new to Long Beach Area

new to Long Beach Area

Hi guys im christian 24 yrs old ive been in to this hobby since 2nd year college in the philippines. Ive been lurking around this forum since I got here browsing others tank build just to satisfy my addiction to this hobby of ours :)