If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi everyone

Im Gary. I have a Rio 240 marine tank. I have been keeping fish for about 9 years. I started off with Tropical fish such as Angels and Silver Dollars but then moved into Chiclids. Last year I decided to try a marine tank so i went out and bought a little Nano tank and started there. I enjoyed it so much i decided to convert my Rio from Tropical to Marine.

I dont have a lot in it at the moment, Live rock and some coral. A clown ( I had two but the female battered the little male to death), a flame angel, a Bicolour dotty, two hermits and two star fish.
Howdy from Houston Texas. Boy, what an addictive hobby. 3 months ago my wife and I, along with our 2 and 4 year old sons bought a 1 gallon Betta tank and a Betta from Wal-Mart. Now, a 44g corner pentagon freshwater tank in the corner with Angels, a 10g nano tank on the bar and a new to me 75g that will become a mixed reef next to the table I guess you could say we've been bitten by the bug! As long as my wife doesn't kill me for bringing home another aquarium (I have a 29g Bio Cube in the truck right now for the bedroom) I look forward to sharing my adventures as I stumble my way through this fascinating hobby.
Lisa from NJ

Lisa from NJ

hi all! I just got a 29 gal coralife biocube tank and started with some live rock, 2 fish, and a few polyp corals. I had a 55 gallon salt tank quite a few years ago and loved it. so I decided to start up a new tank. I find this community very informative! I appreciate all the knowledge that you folks have to share. I look forward to all of your expertise! If I can master this tank, I can see another tank in my future. This hobby is addictive! Thanks for sharing!
Hi folks,

Inherited a 300 gallon setup from my deceased friend. Not too happy about that part, but I want to make this tank nice. I have some limited experience.
New and introducing myself

New and introducing myself

Hello all! I have just started my 30g reef tank with overlow/refugium and I'm new to the hobby. Currently seeding dry rock with live rock (and micor bacteria) and waiting for my first ammonia spike. Current live stock 1 6 lined wrasse and snails & crabs.

Please forgive my spelling and grammar. I hope to become a part of this online community and get/give (eventually) constructive feedback and ideas.

Thanks for listening!

Aloha from the Big Island! I'm new to the forums and the hobby, as of December 2013. My husband and I recently set up our 90 gallon tank for saltwater (we'd only done freshwater before), but figured since we live in Hawaii now (moved from Michigan 3 years ago), why not take advantage and do salt!

Tank has overflow and bioballs/refugium (all came w/ the tank when we got it years ago).

Mostly live rock and inverts, a few little fish (ornate wrasses and a gobie at the moment) as well as some zoanthids and palythoas.

Definitely loving it, have learned a lot already and looking forward to learning more here in the forums!
Coming back

Coming back

Hi all,

been away over 20 + years....been wanting another tank since 1987 when i moved to Athens Greece...finally am starting again. I am use to freshwater but am taking the plunge to saltwater this time. Any newcomer suggestions are welcome here ok?

Thanks yall and just for information my name "Tanker922" stands for Air Force gas passer (KC135 stratoTANKER 922 squadron). :wave:
New guy from St. Petersburg Florida! At one point many years back I had a small reef tank and I'm looking to get back into it. I currently have a 72gl bow front African Cichlid tank that is thriving. I look forward to everyone's knowledge and input!!
Hi everyone!

I've been lurking for about a year.

Just built a 90 gallon reef tank into my living room wall.

First saltwater tank ever.

I want to do everthing right the first time, so I've been taking my time, reading and learning as much as possible.

So far I have acquired:

Reef Octopus NWB-150
30 gallon refugium/sump
10 gallon pre-sump (soley for a filter sock and exact water change compartment)
70 pounds of dry rock
80 pounds Fiji Pink Sand
Speedwave 1320 DC Pump
2 seperate BRS Deluxe reactors, 1 for GFO, 1 for Carbon
BRS 6 Stage RO/DI Unit
Tunze 3155 Osmolator
Apex Gold Package

Still trying to decide between Radion Gen3 or AI Hydra, price point is a big difference.

So far my tank has been cycled fishless. Took about a month. Added a pair of clowns a week ago and they are doing great.

What an awesome hobby, I love learning about everything. There is so much positive knowledge that is acquired by doing everything yourself. Plumbing, electrical, computer programming, marine biology, water chemistry, etc. I am hooked!

I will try posting pictures of everything at some point.
Hi from UK

Hi from UK

Just started a 35lt nano, and am picking up my 300lt today. I have got 2 LED tiles and a 250W halide, an Mc500 turbo skimmer 2x 300w heaters, and 3 x Koralia circ pumps, test kits and refrac. My Nano has the standard filtration and a 11w light. The Nano is going to be my QT and to check live rock for "nasties". Is there anything I have forgotten ? or is there any thing you guy would recommend I buy before live rock and sand/water? any help would be nice :)


Hey Everyone

Hey Everyone

I'm new to the forum. I've been a freshwater enthusiast for a few years now, and just recently I acquired my first salt tank a 29G bio cube. It's just starting running. I also have a 130gallon tank that will be a salt tank eventually. Taking my time on that one of course.

I look forward to learning so much from all of you.
Hi, I'm Jake from New York. I have an Innovative Marine Nuvo 8 gallon reef, and a 75 gallon reef tank. I hope to be getting more into the hobby by joining the forum.

If you'd like to check out my build so far, check my profile for my posts, and look for the one about the Nano 8 gallon.



I have had freshwater tanks for years. I have finally given into the desire for a reef tank. I have dreamed of one for years and now I am researching to build one. I am hoping to get good ideas and lean on experience of others.
I am planning a 40 breeder and starting with softies. I have posted under lighting about choices with AI, nano vs. sol vs. hydra vs. vega vs. hydra 52. Any ideas of suggestions would be great!
Hey everyone my name is Kyran I'm new to the salt hobby I had a fresh water tank for 15 years wanted to try something new so here I am!!! This is what I'm working with right now until I get my turtle moved out of my 55!
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New to the hobby and to the forum. Looking to start small with a 20G Long (US) FOWLR tank.

Original plan was for a 55G with the 20 long as the custom sump. Pricing out cost made that a non-option. Hoping to get in to the hobby at a lower price point.

I'll be making some post in the near future about my choices and progress in this build.
Hi all,
I've had freshwater tanks since childhood. Started researching reef systems about a year ago, started a tank in Jan, added fish mid feb.
Running a 55 gallon tank with a 10 gal sump. Small sump but I was cramped for space below the tank.

Current inhabitants
Ocellaris Clown x 2
Starry Blenny x 1
Yellow Clown Goby x 1
Fire Shrimp x 2
Peppermint shrimp x 1
Red mithrax crab x 1
Astrea snails
Nassarius snails
hermit scarlet legged crab x 2
Bumblebee snails x 5
McCosker's flasher wrasse- x1
Rainfordi goby x1
Orange spotted goby pair
PJ cardinal x2

Some softies and LPS corals.

If I'm successful in not losing any fish in the next 6 months, I plan to upgrade to 220gal. Wish me luck.

whats up

whats up

Hey all just signed up for this forum. Been reading stuff here for the last yr or so.
Started a saltwater tank about 2 months ago and figure it was a wise idea
to get involved In a community that shares the same passion I have.

I currently have a 60 gallon fish only tank that I'm working on to make a beautiful reef. Any input that will help me along will be greatly appreciated


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