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Introduction and open for advice

Introduction and open for advice

Hey everyone! My name is Nate and I am located in Land O Lakes, FL. I've been given some great advice from Steve in another thread, but would love to hear opinions and advice from others as well. I look forward to being part of a tight group as this one is.

I inherited a 20 gallon tank that was had 3 pieces of like rock, 2 ocellaris (one orange and white, and one black and white), and a round headed goby (sand sifter). I've had the tank running for the last two months.

I've been in the process of changing it over to a small reef tank. I have switched the live rock around by adding tonga rock and branches (probably takes up about 25% of the tank). I got rid of the goby cause he was dumping sand all over the place which would be a pain with corals. I have added a few small corals that were given to me; green hairy mushroom, red mushroom (frag), blue mushrooms (on small rock), some polyps (on small rock), paly grandis (frag), and green trumpet (frag).

My neighbor and I built some leds (18 inches long, four blue, four white, one green, and one red).

In addition to the 2 clowns that I have in there, I have 2 red legged hermits, 3 blue legged, 2 turbo snails, 2 Nessarius snails, 5 Cerith snails, and one that spends most of its time under sand (has a shovel like face and long shell). There is also one small crown conch and one fighting conch, and a good sized blood shrimp (approx. 3 inches).

In addition my salinity is at 0.125%, phosphates near 0, nitrates and ammonia at 0.

I would like to add more fish to the tank, but I do not want to overcrowd. The two clowns stay at the top near the filter (wish they swam around more). I would really like a six-line wrasse cause they stay small, they're cheap, and fun to look at but I heard that you want to introduce them last. Not sure if I could add two (maybe one male and one female). Maybe I can add something else before the wrasse? Maybe Firefish, Dottyback, Royal Gramma Basslet?

Any advice on the fish and corals that I might be able to add would be great! The wife says if I keep everything alive for the next year or two then I can get my large tank built into the wall
My name is marquis, aka james, I've been reef keeping for 3 years, my current set up 150 gallon mixed reef, i have a decent amount of sps, lps, and a large green carpet haddoni
Hello all,

New to the hobby. Cant wait to get my first tank up and running. My goal this year is to make sure I don't have any tank crashes! ;)

I know this isn't recommended at all, but i'm going straight for a 1gallon pico... Just going to add one softy maybe one SPS and see if I can make it last a year. I want to gain confidence before I start adding more to the tank.

Wish me luck, I know I'll need it!

Dallas Community

Dallas Community

I am new to this forum and just starting to set up a tank in the Dallas area. Hopefully I can get some advice on good local stores with quality staff. Glad to be here and any help will be great. Thanks.
Hello everyone! My name is Armando and I'm new to the hobby! I have setup a BC29 since this past January. Everything seems to be going great! I have 2 Ocellaris Clowns, 2 Azure damsels, a CUC of hermits and snails, as well as a cleaner shrimp. I've started out with a few frags of softies and lps. I have a pic attached for your viewing pleasure :D


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Hello all!

Hello all!

I wanted to formally introduce myself and my tank to you all. My name is Jordan Gunn, I am a graduate student in pharmacognosy (a mix of ethnobotany, biology, and phytochemistry) here in Chicago. I would say I really got into reefing about a year ago when I asked my father to get me, for my birthday, everything I would need to get going a 3g aquarium I had as a kid (seahorses is what I kept back then). After learning that this 3g is borderline not suitable for saltwater life in general, what I ended up getting was 30g hqi biocube present. After a few months of cycling I have slowly been upgrading this package and gathering suitable inhabitants for a peaceful reef aquarium. Here's my current setup:

Biocube 30gal
hqi (metal halides) with custom fixture
led moonlights
aquatop heater
oldtown sr-series back-chamber skimmer
reef octopus br-110 biopellet reactor
hydor powerhead
venturi wavemaker
neptune apex controller

Blue damsel
Male anthias
Blue chromis school
Scooter blenny
Diamond goby
Unidentified suckerfish
Pom pom crabs
Reef crab
Emerald crab
A few coral frags

Come over to my page and check out pics of the tank!
Well, here I am, I'm [extremely] new to the world of ANYTHING that lives in water, but my girlfriend got me four hermit crabs so I have no choice (haha)

EDIT: By-the-by I'm Zach, nice to (kinda) make acquaintances
Not new but came back

Not new but came back

Good Evening everyone, I am not new to the forum but have been gone for a long time. Well I am back on the forum and back in the hobby, actually planning phase of a new tank. I look forward to getting this going!!

I've been a member on here for a while but I am just recently thinking about getting back in the game. I tore my last tank down when I moved 4 years ago and I'm starting to get the itch again. It's been entirely too long since I've had a tank. So I'll be hovering around the forums while I jump back in.

Hi everyone, im new to this forum and to the hobby. Was going to start with a fresh tank but have been convinced by a buddy and my wife to do salt! Just bought a 90 gallon tank that im building into a bar! What do I need to know to start guys! thanks!
Hi everyone! :wave:

I have been keeping freshwater fish for about 15 years, I always fancied a marine tank but it seemed like a huge challenge as I didn't know anything about it.

I've decided to take the plunge and I've ordered a 100 UK gallon (think that's 120 US gallon) 5' tank. I've done tons of research, this site has been so helpful, but I've still got a lot of questions!
Back After a Long Break

Back After a Long Break

I got out of the hobby several years ago due to too many other commitments. Now, after three moves, as many kids off to college, I am finally getting time to revisit the hobby. I'm very interested to learn about new and evolving ideas in reefkeeping!:dance:
Hello everybody!

I am from Brazil, I've spent the last 10 years in freshwater aquariums, and
I have decided I should go a step up and prepare my first reef!

I have many questions, and the forum have been an absolute paradise so far!

Thank you everyone.
Hi everyone. I've been trolling around here for a few months and finally decided to make an official announcement to say hi. I have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank set up in my living room for about 10 months now. Soon to be upgrading to a 120g reef ready (another thread) where i'll be looking for alot of help to keep in touch.

Thank you for all the information and adivce i've already received.
Brian (NY)
Hello Fish nerds

Hello Fish nerds

New to the forum. Say "Hey!" I've had tanks now for over 20 years. Mainly freshwater cichlids and tropicals. I currently have a 90 gallon reef setup loaded with soft and hard coral as well as 19 fish. I am so glad to have switched to the marine tank..... It's finally come to maturity at just over 5 years old and everything seems to be thriving. I've already gotten a lot of excellent info from this site over the past few years but have never tried being part of the forum. To those of you who have posted here to help others enjoy this fulfilling hobby.... a deep thank you very much and I hope to be of as much help to others as they've been to me.
Hi.. every body, new to both the forum and the hobby. Well I was having a 30 gallon fresh water tank for the past 15 years, now I am thinking of having an additional marine tank.

Thanks and regards
I just registered yesterday after a couple of years of using this site for information. thanks for all the information. I look forward to learning more.
Hello, I am new to Reef Central. Just wanted to say hello.

I have a 25 gallon cube aquarium with a 30 aquaclear filter, 65 gallon protein skimmer, 30 gallon powerhead, 23 lbs of live rock, 2 turbos, 2 nassarius snails, peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, hermit crab, pair of Oscellaris Clowns, orchid dottyback, pajama cardinal and a green mandarin goby. I have a hammer, galaxe and ricordea corals. I had a scarlet skunk shrimp and it just died on me with out a reason. All water levels are coming out just fine. Any ideas on what I should add? What fish would do great with these and any suggestions on a coral?