If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey everyone, new to the hobby. Just ordered my first tank, 29gal biocube, still waiting on it to be delivered. I've researching and I'm excited to get started. I'm located in Jacksonville, FL if there are any local people.
Hello folks. First off thanks for adding me here. I've been browsing since finding this site earlier today. Seems like there is a wealth of knowledge to be found here.

A little about me, my name is Chris and I live and work in the Northeast. New York to be exact. I'm brand new to aquariums. I mean growing up as kid, from time to time we would have your basic ten gallon fish tank sitting on the wrought iron stand. The kind where you tossed those old box filters in the corner filled with charcoal and just threw in any type of fresh water fish in there and hoped they lived out the week. I always wanted more and I was always attracted to the diversity and beauty of saltwater tanks. Problem was that I never had the means. Now I own my own home, have more than ample space and more importantly I can afford it, so I figured I'd give it a go.

Recently I've been reading books, magazines and watching videos in an effort to research and absorb as much as I can. I've come to the conclusion that I want to try my hand at setting up a reef tank somewhere in the 90-150 gallon range.

I still have a lot to learn but I've figured out that I would like to get an acrylic tank being as it seems to be lighter and stronger than glass. I'm leaning towards setting up a deep sand bed comprised of live sand onto which I will place some live rock and attempt to cycle the tank. That's about as far as I've gotten. I don't even have equipment yet but I'd like to start deciding on a tank, lights and some other hardware to get up and running.

Please feel free to point me in the right direction if you guys think I'm off base (which I probably am). For starters, what tank manufacturers do you guys recommend? There are so many out there (RedSea, Innovative Marine, Marineland, Deep Sea Aquatics) that it becomes confusing. Are there any pros and cons to owning one over the other? Bear in mind, I'd like acrylic and to have it be in the 90-150 gallon range. Doesn't need to be any fancy shape or anything. Just something strong, reliable that is tried and true.

Again, thanks for the add and I'm off to explore the forum. Hopefully I can start contributing as well.

Hello Reef Central my name is Zack and I am new to the saltwater aquarium hobby only had my 36 gallon bow front up for a month and can't stop looking up any info I can find I have had a lot of fun just looking up stuff here on RC I hope to learn a lot and if it all goes well I have a 55 I am going to set hopefully with the help of some nice folks her on RC.
120 gal Mixed Reef - 1st Post

120 gal Mixed Reef - 1st Post

Hi Everyone,

I am relatively new to the hobby, about 1.5 years. Also, 4 of my 5 kids also have reef tanks. I have been monitoring RC for quite a while for what to do and what not to do... it's definitely helped but hasn't eliminated all my costly mistakes in this hobby (lol).

Anyway, just want to introduce myself,

120 gal mixed reef:
2 radions with the g3 upgrade
Adding in the next couple days 2x T5 retrofit kit to help eliminate the shadowing from the LED's
40 gal breeder for a sump with a refugium
Calcium reactor

I'll post a tank pic soon,

Newbie to saltwater tanks

Newbie to saltwater tanks

Hey all, My name is Martin. New to the whole saltwater tank world, havent had a tank since i was a kid. so i decided to start out with a 10 gal tank to see how it would go for me. still learning as i go so bare with me and any comments and recomendations are welcome. Thanks for looking and heres a few pics of when i started it out this weekend.

new saltwater tank

new saltwater tank

I have had freshwater tanks before and I now have a 70 gal cychlid tank. I just received a 12 gallon eclipse system. I am wondering if I can do saltwater in it. Can anyone advise me and tell me how to go about setting it up and how to maintain it?
Greetings fellow reef keepers

Greetings fellow reef keepers

After a 13-year hiatus I've decided to dig one of my old tanks out of storage and have another go at it. I've posted a few pics of my old aquariums in my album area.

Looking forward to making lots of new reef keeping pals here at Reef Central and catching up on a decade of RK knowledge.

Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself....I had a reef tank years ago and it tanked when the power company cut off our power in the middle of winter by mistake. Lost the whole tank, moved, had kids, now I'm back =). Feeling kindof new to this again since it's been so long. I have a 55 gallon reef tank that we set up two days ago. Got my live rock from Richard at Tampa Bay Liverock. Can't say enough good things about him and his stuff. So anyhoo, it's set up and everything seems to be going well so far. We plan to eventually get a pair of black clown fish, a blenny, some gobies... me and hubby really enjoy crustations and odd things. Love our decorator crab.I had a great crop of pom-pom Xenia last time and hope to get some going again soon. I would love suggestions on corals that would be good with my lighting. Here's a pic of the tank on the first day.

Welcome back :) your stocking looks good. As for corals you can't really go wrong with zoas, mushrooms and leather Corals. Good luck:)
Hello everyone :wave: my name is Brent I have been into the hobby for 5 years. I am excited to be apart of this community. I wish everyone the best in the their reefs.
What up? My name is James. I've started my tank around 6 months ago. Its a 40 gallon tank. I have an over the back filter that does 400gph and a 600gph power head. Equipped with TaoTronics LEDs. Has about 50lbs of live rock and 40lbs of live sand.

As for livestock, I have a Diamond spotted goby, a Javanese Damsel, a Pink Smith Damsel, a Maroon Clownfish, a cleaner shrimp, and a green Bubble Tip Anemone.

Put my first 3 corals in this week and im excited to see where they go, A Green Hammer Coral, a Christmas Favia and a Purple People Eater polyp.

Im thinking 1 maayyyyyybe 2 more fish at most trynna decide what i would put in there.
Hey everyone

Hey everyone

Hey guys. Ive kept freshwater tanks seriously for about a year or so now. I am finally making my leap to saltwater. I am starting small with a 20 gallon FOWLR. I just set my tank up earlier today so it is bare right now with the filter, heater and pump running. I plan on getting some sand, crushed coral and about 10lbs of dry rock this weekend so I can start the curing process. I will be on here a bunch since saltwater is a new world to me and I look forward to picking the experienced members brains. One question right off the bat:

1) With a tank my size is a protein skimmer necessary? My LFS said it obviously wouldn't hurt but he said I could get away without one with regular water changes.

Thanks again guys!

Hello, I'm Adam. I've kept saltwater aquariums for a while but am new to doing it right. I have a 29gl tall. Plan on having a 10gl sump (something I've never had) in the system. Going to take my time and attempt as much DIY as possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Just acquired an AGA 210g (72"x24"x29"). Kept brackish tank over 10 years ago. Lots to learn and relearn. Probably have to start with a new stand "” the one I have is not high enough (25" internal height). Hi to all!
New to the game

New to the game

Ah. Im fairly new to the saltwater tank thing. I tried it years ago. Back when I was 20yrs old. Many Many moons agol.Lol. Anyway with the help of the internet and some money I was able to get a pretty good set up and everything is going well. Knock on wood.lol Things can change in an instant. Anyway I have a 90g Reef Ready with a 30g sump/refugium with mud and mangroves. mp10ES, FR45,43" maxspect razor 300w, dc pump 5 speed, phosban reactor,Hydor Korilia wave w?2 hydor heads, 175g skimmer. Thats about it I think.lol :spin2:
Hello RC, my name is Jim and I am new to the marine aquarium world. I purchased a 30 gallon rimless JBJ yesterday along with a heater, sand, rock, thermometer and a flow pump for the side of the tank. Going to buy some water today. I will spend the cycling time doing research on here and link forward to reading with all of ya.
Hi I am new to this community. Just joined today. Tank has been up and running for about 3 months now, finally added my first fish yesterday, now looking to add a few more potential critters. I'll get into details later in the choice thread. Thanks for keeping this up and running, been using the site for info research for quite awhile now.