Newbie with a "Rescue Tank"
Newbie with a "Rescue Tank"
Never had a saltwater tank, but we found someone who was unable to care for theirs anymore so my wife and I now have a rescue tank. The existing tank had a dsb full of worms, no liverock in the tank, no cleanup crew and an overload of fish.
I worked with a local LFS guy and we moved the 55gal. to our house and set it up. I upgraded the ancient filters to an Aquatop 400 filter, put in crushed aragonite at 1-2", added about 15lbs of base rock and the added about 25lbs of live rock on top of that. We have a turbosnail, 2 nassarius snails, 5 margarita snails and 1 peppermint shrimp for a cleanup crew. Livestock:
Threadfin Butterfly (seems to eat everything except for the glass!)
Yellow Tang
Common Cleaner Wrasse (again.....eats like the butterfly)
Pair of mated Clownfish
2 Pajama Cardinals
6 asstd. Damsels
We have a Coralife HO T5 fixture and am running a 10000k and an Actinic bulb for 10-12 hrs a day and a blue led light bar in the bottom of the tank in the back for the rest of the time. Levels are all near or at zero but I can't seem to budge the ph over 8 even with dosing. Any comments, suggestions?